Hey everyone, we've got some fantastic news for you!

Remember how you players always asked for custom maps and we always said "never; not possible!". Well, we changed our minds and decided to implement custom maps, whatever it takes. And a lot of time it will certainly take, so please don't ask for estimations - just trust us, we're working hard on it right now.

We cannot give you a lot of details, but there will definitely be an editor where you can upload your own map image and then draw country borders. You will be able to add all country and city data, and add your own units, fully customized. Scenarios will remain similar to what they are now, but will be able to be based on custom maps as well.

As you can imagine, this will infuse a lot of interesting opportunities into the game - you will be able to add a map/scenario based on Game Of Thrones, Lord Of The Rings, WWI/WW2, American Civil War or even a space-based map (why not?).

Because we're now fully concentrated on this massive undertaking (which feels very much like creating a new game from scratch), there won't be any big updates for a while. But then - BAM! - a huge one! So, be patient

Ivan & Amok


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Kommentarer: 174   Besökt av: 720 users
13.08.2012 - 11:03
I am thinking of making a map about my country,estonia:D
"You were born original, don't die as a copy!"
14.08.2012 - 09:15
THIS IS GOING TO BE FANTASTICT! Just please, DON'T MAKE IT PRENIUM! Making it prenium would make it so that only the best can make it. That would be unfair. Other wise GREAT JOB!
ALL is fair in love and war. SO GET USED TO IT!
You opinion is not recognized as being valid.
14.08.2012 - 10:09
I think that it should be premium. Making it premium would deter possible spammers and such from making inappropriate scenarios.
The great questions of the day will not be settled by means of speeches and majority decisions but by iron and blood.
15.08.2012 - 10:38
But it would also severely limit the creative minds that can't pay
15.08.2012 - 10:59
LOL when will able to add cusom maps?!
16.08.2012 - 13:29
Skrivet av Utah, 14.08.2012 at 10:09

I think that it should be premium. Making it premium would deter possible spammers and such from making inappropriate scenarios.

anyone with premium can make inappropriate premium players arent saints you know
"Austria the shield and Prussia the sword!" Too bad that they are attached to the wrong arm: The right one holds the defiantly gli stening shield, and the left one is supposed to wield the sword"
-Franz Grillparzer, Prussian Officer
16.08.2012 - 14:41
Skrivet av FaLLenXH3R0ESx, 16.08.2012 at 13:29

Skrivet av Utah, 14.08.2012 at 10:09

I think that it should be premium. Making it premium would deter possible spammers and such from making inappropriate scenarios.

anyone with premium can make inappropriate premium players arent saints you know

Yes, but once we pay money for a game we start to care for our account and generally not want to get banned. And I don't really see why someone would make an AW account, buy premium, make an inappropriate scenario, then get banned 1 day later.
The great questions of the day will not be settled by means of speeches and majority decisions but by iron and blood.
16.08.2012 - 15:22
When are we going to have this update?
18.08.2012 - 08:35
Bags making a senario based on the years of rice and salt.
19.08.2012 - 13:54
Hello all

Does this link help with the creation of real world custom maps??


Hope it does!!
19.08.2012 - 15:28
Ledgend especially if u can free hand draw new maps that would be awesome
19.08.2012 - 19:45
Skrivet av Tundy, 16.08.2012 at 15:22

When are we going to have this update?

I hope soon
20.08.2012 - 21:16
Skrivet av UnIeashed, 19.08.2012 at 19:45

Skrivet av Tundy, 16.08.2012 at 15:22

When are we going to have this update?

I hope soon

February 31
Magnets,how do they work?
21.08.2012 - 10:04
Skrivet av WinterAnomaly, 20.08.2012 at 21:16

Skrivet av UnIeashed, 19.08.2012 at 19:45

Skrivet av Tundy, 16.08.2012 at 15:22

When are we going to have this update?

I hope soon

February 31

They stated it would be out BEFORE the end of the year.
The great questions of the day will not be settled by means of speeches and majority decisions but by iron and blood.
21.08.2012 - 10:48
I want this update right now. or at least to know how much time this will take
[well, just 1 programmer xD. is not that hard to explain]
29.08.2012 - 10:12
When this ?
31.08.2012 - 22:10
The update is gonna be in the future (some leaked information!)
03.09.2012 - 13:17
Hey Devs I was wondering if there would be an option to disable certain units after a certain turn. This could give certain teams weak units at the start then powerful units later. This would work really well in my zombie scenario as it would make it so after the scientists discover a cure they will get a new vaccine unit that has extra attack and defense against zombies
The great questions of the day will not be settled by means of speeches and majority decisions but by iron and blood.
03.09.2012 - 14:10
Yes, and give money to certain people in the events.

We really need events for money I agree.
The great questions of the day will not be settled by means of speeches and majority decisions but by iron and blood.
03.09.2012 - 17:07
You know what can be cool?
if some people have a pre-made alliances in a scenario..
but they can broke it or ally with other people
03.09.2012 - 21:25
Why dont you just make a real world war 2 map
for real
Skrivet av NateBaller, 30.08.2012 at 20:04

I make Americans look bad? Are you kidding me?
05.09.2012 - 17:03
Why cant you keep your fucking mouth close?
real scenarios in afterwind suck. we need custom maps now.
14.10.2012 - 06:05
So what's the status? Should I forget for some time about custom maps, or should I keep looking at this topic?
14.10.2012 - 11:38
Skrivet av Riot77, 14.10.2012 at 06:05

So what's the status? Should I forget for some time about custom maps, or should I keep looking at this topic?

It's being released tomorrow http://afterwind.com/events/news_comments.php?news_id=72&page=&message_id=
The great questions of the day will not be settled by means of speeches and majority decisions but by iron and blood.

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