The Supporters Team would like to invite all players to the Official Discord Server this Saturday, March 2nd between 3pm and 7pm CST (Central US Timezone), the following is what we'll be doing.
What We'll Be Discussing
The Supporters have been planning for the past two months on what new things can be implemented into AtWar. Below is a list of what we will announce:
● Weekly and Daily Challenges.
● The AtWar Talkshow.
● Tournaments/Events.
● Guides on AtWar.
● The Future of AW Press / ATN.
● Map Editor.
● Official AW Discord Server
● Questions from the players.
Questions will not be answered if they are toxic or unrelated to Supporters
Players can start posting questions immediately after this post in the #Supporter-Questions chat in the Official Discord Server. We will still be answering questions during the meeting.
A chat will be created in the Official Discord Server so other chats aren't spammed during the meeting.
See-ya there!