Which Triumvir will you follow?
Flavius Sertorius (Aetius)
Consul Vote (consuls may pick their co-consul)
1) Gaius Marius Maximus (Pyrrhus ) + ?
Censor Vote (optional due to low population)
1)Flavius Sertorius (Aetius)
Praetor Vote (optional due to low population)
2)Nerva Caetronianus (MrArmy987)
Recall Flavius Sertorius (Aetius) as governor of Greece and replace with Gaius Marius Maximus (Pyrrhus )
Appoint Kato Flavius (Witch-Doctor)as Governor of Nearer Spain?
Appoint Flavius Numertorius (JF) as Governor of Corsica Sardinia?
Force Deployments
Parthian War: 2 fleets,6 Legions, Herculiani, Gallica ,Apollinaris, Candidus
Cilician Pirates: 2 Fleets 2 Legions, Obeliscus
Trial of Metellus Cornelius Scipio
1) Execution
Trial of Lars Pedius
1) Execution
Trial of Kairos Varius
Tax Farmer Concessions + 2 talents:
Andertius Paullus (Pavle
All 1, All aye. No trial votes
Concession myself. I have none
Do I choose a side now or wait till I return
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
Explain how I get convicted of treason.
Treason is the crime of trying to overthrow your country's government or of helping your country's enemies during war.
I did not help my countries enemies...the rebellion. I did not try to overthrow the current government. I did not commit treason.
This is my defence for my case.
Skrivet av JF., 13.10.2016 at 16:15
All 1, All aye. No trial votes
Concession myself. I have none
Pick Triumvir
Do I choose a side now or wait till I return
Now or when you return, both are fine.
If you had surrendered when rome was lost your argument would be valid but you were captured as part of a rebellion (despite its legitimacy) against the official state by that point.
Skrivet av Aetius, 13.10.2016 at 16:42
I'll follow you
Skrivet av Aetius, 13.10.2016 at 16:42
Skrivet av JF., 13.10.2016 at 16:15
All 1, All aye. No trial votes
Concession myself. I have none
Pick Triumvir
Do I choose a side now or wait till I return
Now or when you return, both are fine.
If you had surrendered when rome was lost your argument would be valid but you were captured as part of a rebellion (despite its legitimacy) against the official state by that point.
If I wait till I return, what happens to my evocati?
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
If I wait till I return, what happens to my evocati?
idk, stands to reason you can assign them to a triumvir now or order them to hang out in italy waiting for your heir to come of age.
Skrivet av Aetius, 13.10.2016 at 16:42
Skrivet av JF., 13.10.2016 at 16:15
All 1, All aye. No trial votes
Concession myself. I have none
Pick Triumvir
Do I choose a side now or wait till I return
Now or when you return, both are fine.
If you had surrendered when rome was lost your argument would be valid but you were captured as part of a rebellion (despite its legitimacy) against the official state by that point.
waaaaat? i never joined in a rebellion against the trumvirate or whatever ur called. I joined in a coalition to defend rome from you guys. i was captured when rome was lost as far as i knew.
Welp, to keep game interesting I shall support Pyrrhus.
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
Which Triumvir will you follow?
Gaius Marius Maximus (Pyrrhus )
In case split negotiations break down we have elections for next year...
Consul Vote (consuls may pick their co-consul)
1) Gaius Marius Maximus (Pyrrhus ) + ?
Censor Vote (optional due to low population)
1)Flavius Sertorius (Aetius)
Praetor Vote (optional due to low population)
2)Nerva Caetronianus (MrArmy987)
Recall Flavius Sertorius (Aetius) as governor of Greece and replace with Gaius Marius Maximus (Pyrrhus )
Appoint Flavius Numertorius (JF) as Governor of Corsica Sardinia?
Force Deployments
1)Parthian War: 2 fleets,6 Legions, Herculiani, Gallica ,Apollinaris, Candidus
Cilician Pirates: 2 Fleets 2 Legions, Obeliscus
Trial of Metellus Cornelius Scipio
Presiding Censor Vopiscus Octavius (vale)
Presiding PraetorCaspiel Rex Tertius (Darth.) +12 votes due to oratory
Accused Metellus Cornelius Scipio (Zephyrusu)
Crime Treason (Special Prosecution)
Censor Octavius speaks
"This man resisted the lawful roman state by needless fighting. His actions caused countless romans to die."
Trial of Lars Pedius
Presiding Censor Vopiscus Octavius (vale)
Presiding PraetorCaspiel Rex Tertius (Darth.) +12 votes due to oratory
Accused Lars Pedius (Zenith)
Crime Treason (Special Prosecution)
Censor Octavius speaks
"This man aided the rebels with his substantial funds and rejected our initial offer of clemency, he should now face his rightful punishment."
Trial of Kairos Varius
Presiding Censor Vopiscus Octavius (vale)
Presiding PraetorCaspiel Rex Tertius (Darth.) +12 votes due to oratory
Accused Kairos Varius (Meester)
Crime Defying the Edict of Sertorius
Censor Octavius speaks
"This young man is the son of the convicted traitor Sextus Varius. The senate has most generously offered his family clemency in return for contributing to the well being of the state financially, but rather than accepting this mercy, he has rejected it out of pride. Now the Senate must decide his fate."
3) Innocent
Gaius Marius Maximus (Pyrrhus ) Backed by pyrrhus + 12 votes
==Turn 27: Phase 3 has begun==
Battle of Tigranocerta
Flavius Sertorius (Aetius) (Balanced)
(2 Evocati + 2 Veterans + 6 Legions +3 skilll + 2 bonus)=21 strength
Parthian Commander(Balanced)
(12 Armies) = 12 strength
Battle Roll: 14 (+9 from greater strength) =23
Result: Decisive Victory
Moving eastward from Cilicia, Sertortius quickly liberated Antioch, the seleucid greeks being grateful to be freed of parthian rule. From rome arrived many reinforcements, and with these Sertorius organized Syria into a new province establishing allinaces with many of the eastern microstates and marched eastwards into armenia.Messengers arrived the Tigranocerta, the capital of the armenian allies was under assault and would fall soon. Marching at double pace, the romans emerged behind the parthian siege lines. Theree upon a field of dead brown grass the two armies engaged. The parthian cavalry proved superior but they could not press great advantage due to syrian archers amongst the roman lines causing grieverous harm. At last it seemd the parthians would unleash their cataphracts, but from within the city, the armenian cavalry emerged and charged into the parthian flank which was then supported by the romans. The parthian horde was set to flight and the king agreed to a new border with rome as well as a large war indemnity.
Flavius Sertorius (Aetius) gains 6 Popularity and 6 Influence
Flavius Sertorius (Aetius) gains a veteran legion, Legio I Parthica
Flavius Sertorius (Aetius) promotes Legio XII Apollinaris to Evocati
Flavius Sertorius (Aetius) gains 35 talents in war spoils
Roman Casualties
Parthian Casualties
Siege of Korakesion
Caspiel Rex Tertius (Darth.) (Flanking)
(1 Veteran + 2 Legions + 4 skill)=8 strength
Cilician Commander(Envelopment)
(3 Armise) = 3 strength
Battle Roll: 4 (+5 from greater strength) +4 from tactical counter=13
Result: Stalemate
The rocky fortress of Korakesion is almost impossible to take. Even after many assaults it holds, and it does not starve out because the pirates are sometimes able to get past the roman blockade and resupply the defender. The pirates hope the romans will give up their attempts to subdue them.
Caspiel Rex Tertius (Darth.) gains a veteran legion, Legio II Custodes
Roman Casualties
Pirate Casualties
==Turn 27: Phase 4 has begun==
No one loves Darth
Someone Better Than You
Darth. Inlägg: 3783 Från: Indien
Eh maybe I should have put out recruiting posters/messages like Aetius and Pyrrhus
On the other other hand, the game goes on for just a single turn so I see no reason to get supporters. So eh
Edit: Just for keks, any rebels can join me and we'll go privateering
Edit 2: Syria Aetius. Color in Syria
"Another such victory and I come back to Epirus alone" - Pyrrhus of Epirus
Someone Better Than You
Darth. Inlägg: 3783 Från: Indien
Darth. Inlägg: 3783 Från: Indien
Skrivet av Darth., 15.10.2016 at 14:06
Eh maybe I should have put out recruiting posters/messages like Aetius and Pyrrhus 
On the other other hand, the game goes on for just a single turn so I see no reason to get supporters. So eh
Edit: Just for keks, any rebels can join me and we'll go privateering 
Edit 2: Syria Aetius. Color in Syria 
k I'll join 
I wasn't serious at the time, but okay. Guess we're doing some privateering rogue trading
This is yours.
By Order,
Triumvir Rex
Bla bla bla bunch of cool sounding titles
Skrivet av Darth., 15.10.2016 at 14:19

This is yours.
By Order,
Triumvir Rex
Bla bla bla bunch of cool sounding titles
I can't read shit
Someone Better Than You
Darth. Inlägg: 3783 Från: Indien
I can't read shit
It allows you to consort with xenos, fuck with Inquisitors and do a whole shitload of Heresy, and get away with it all
Skrivet av Darth., 15.10.2016 at 14:28
It allows you to consort with xenos, fuck with Inquisitors and do a whole shitload of Heresy, and get away with it all
So basically it makes me a Dark Angel?
Someone Better Than You
==Turn 28: Phase 1 has begun==
So can I roll for Equite now or do I need to be with Pyrrhus
Someone Better Than You
So can I roll for Equite now or do I need to be with Pyrrhus
Only people with pyrrhus can and aren't you exiled or did darth seriously recall you, our most long time enemy to his side?
Double grain concession
1 to equite
Chariot game
Sponsor repeal of marian land bill
Donate all to western treasury
All governors should raise maximum land auxilliary forces and raise personal income
All non western players are expelled from populares