Darth. Inlägg: 3783 Från: Indien
As Pontifex I appoint Vale as priest
Donate all to the cause
Someone Better Than You
Roll for equite
rest on rome
Changing land bills from permanent to permanent until repealed... Either poor hosting or blatant bias. If they knew they could repeal land bills they would have done so while you were the rebels. I guarantee they were under the impression they could not be changed.
Skrivet av Phoenix, 08.10.2016 at 01:35
Changing land bills from permanent to permanent until repealed... Either poor hosting or blatant bias. If they knew they could repeal land bills they would have done so while you were the rebels. I guarantee they were under the impression they could not be changed.
You're getting desperate, all you do is ignorantly shitpost you autist.
It has always been an option to repeal land bills. , its not my job as host to handhold every low effort player in this game. And no, they couldn't have repealed land bills because their unrest was high af and they couldn't afford to raise their unrest
this pic has always been in rules
Skrivet av Aetius, 08.10.2016 at 01:44
Skrivet av Phoenix, 08.10.2016 at 01:35
And no, they couldn't have repealed land bills because their unrest was high af and they couldn't afford to raise their unrest
I can tell you that we did consider it, but Aetius is right we were at 10 one turn I think. No way we were going to have enough money to bring unrest down after repealing a tier 3 land bill
Darth. Inlägg: 3783 Från: Indien
Gg Phoenix your autism is showing
>says he guarantees they thought they couldn't repeal landbills
>is proven wrong by rebel leader
Skrivet av Aetius, 08.10.2016 at 01:44
Skrivet av Phoenix, 08.10.2016 at 01:35
Changing land bills from permanent to permanent until repealed... Either poor hosting or blatant bias. If they knew they could repeal land bills they would have done so while you were the rebels. I guarantee they were under the impression they could not be changed.
You're getting desperate, all you do is ignorantly shitpost you autist.
It has always been an option to repeal land bills. , its not my job as host to handhold every low effort player in this game. And no, they couldn't have repealed land bills because their unrest was high af and they couldn't afford to raise their unrest
this pic has always been in rules
I'm not desperate for anything, I wasn't a low effort player, I read the rules and that picture does not explain anything about land bills being repealed. I'm pointing out the flaws in your hosting, so that if you or someone else decides to remake, they can implement improvements to address these flaws.
Your job as host is to clarify the rules and reinforce them. You didn't clarify a rule.
Skrivet av Aetius, 08.10.2016 at 01:44
Skrivet av Phoenix, 08.10.2016 at 01:35
And no, they couldn't have repealed land bills because their unrest was high af and they couldn't afford to raise their unrest
I can tell you that we did consider it, but Aetius is right we were at 10 one turn I think. No way we were going to have enough money to bring unrest down after repealing a tier 3 land bill
You could have repelled a tier 2 land bill when we had low unrest. But you didnt wanted to do shit.
Skrivet av Aetius, 22.08.2016 at 10:30
A rebel Faction conquer the whole republic in a civil war (not if the republic has 4 wars at end of the combat phase both lose)
So? Isn't this fulfilled?
Darth. Inlägg: 3783 Från: Indien
Skrivet av Meester, 08.10.2016 at 08:49
Skrivet av Aetius, 22.08.2016 at 10:30
A rebel Faction conquer the whole republic in a civil war (not if the republic has 4 wars at end of the combat phase both lose)
So? Isn't this fulfilled?
It's capture all enemy cities. We have to reclaim the entire republic. If you guys had your full Army and hadn't suicided in Greece, I could see Rome changing hands between us (maybe)
==Turn 25: Phase 2 has begun==
Darth. Inlägg: 3783 Från: Indien
Vote 1 to everything
Vote 1 to everything
"Another such victory and I come back to Epirus alone" - Pyrrhus of Epirus
Same as Pyrrhus
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
Skrivet av Pyrrhus, 08.10.2016 at 13:09
Vote 1 to everything
Same, except consul ( 2) aetius )
Same, except consul ( 2) aetius )
==Turn 25: Phase 3 has begun==
RIP Senate
Someone Better Than You
Battle of Cartago Nova
Gaius Marius Maximus (Pyrrhus ) (Flanking)
(18 Fleets + 4 skill + 2 bonus)=24 strength
Metellus Cornelius Scipio (Zephyrusu)(Envelopment)
(14 Fleets + 4 skill + 2 bonus) = 20 strength
Battle Roll: 9 (+4 from greater strength) +4 from tactical counter=17
Result: Decisive Victory
Metellus Cornelius Scipio, attempting to halt the naval invasion of Further Spain, set sail from Utica on an intercept course. Around Carthago Nova, both fleets met in battle. Although the numbers on each side were fairly equal, Scipio made in error in his tactic to attempt an envelop the populare forces. Captains under marius massed together on the right and broke the envelopment with ease thuse dooming the entire strategy. The entire senatorial fleet was driven onto the rocks, they were killed or tried to escape to Antonius forces. Scipio himself managed to flee back to Africa to prepare a last ditch defense.
Populare Casualties
1 Fleet
Exiled Senate Casualties
All Fleets routed or destroyed
Battle of Hispalis
Gaius Marius Maximus (Pyrrhus ) (Flanking)
(11 Legions + 4 Evocati + 2 veterans + 4 skill + 2 bonus)=33 strength
Marcus Antonius (El Tundero)(Surprise Attack)
(2 Legions +4 Provincial Legions +7 Auxilliares+2 skill) = 15 strength
Battle Roll: 11 (+17 from greater strength) +4 from tactical counter=32
Result: Decisive Victory
After defeating the fleet, the land forces landed at Gades and marched inland setting up a camp. Marius, by now a veteran general had scouted the position of Antonius and watched his movements. The army under Antonius was quite large but composed of numerous iberian tribal warriors and cavalry who were ill-regarded. Marius pretended as if his encampment was weakly defended and Antonius fell for the trap. At night the senatorial forces charged the populare camp but found the tents empty. At the signal of horns, the veteran legions in the surrounding vicinity, and cavalry swarmed down upon the senate rabble and slaughtered them with incredible ease. Antonius himself has been captured in the battle, and will be "dragged" to face trial in the senate. All of Hispania has now fallen under populare control.
Marius gains a veteran legion, Legio II Martius
Marius promotes a veteran legion, Legio V Macedonica, to Evocati
Populare Casualties
Exiled Senate Casualties
....Now the Rebels may recruit and attack (lol)
I recruit as many fleets and auxiliary fleets as possible
Someone Better Than You
Darth. Inlägg: 3783 Från: Indien
Nice job suiciding your entire fleet
Evidently you guys didn't learn not to give complete military command to Zeph after him suiciding on Greece...
I want to play as ottoman emperor
Skrivet av Darth., 09.10.2016 at 08:04
Nice job suiciding your entire fleet 
Evidently you guys didn't learn not to give complete military command to Zeph after him suiciding on Greece...
Turtling in Africa was a better idea in your opinion? Ok.
Someone Better Than You
==Turn 26: Phase 1 has begun==
Chariot Race
Rest to rome.
Use tribune to nominate myself as governor of Cilicia-Cyprus
3 talents to Rome, all other income used to raise auxiliary legions in Asia Minor. I shall not lose it to the likes of Pontus.
Furthermore, I leave a legate in charge of Asia Minor.
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
Are governors still in their provinces now with the new law?