==Turn 2: Phase 2 has begun==
Consul Vote
1)Vibius Caetronianus (MrArmy987) & Opiter Caelius (Safari)
Censor Vote
2)Caspiel Rex (Darth.)
Praetor Vote
2)Quantius Maximus (GC)
The current Consuls hav2 decided to issue a vote on the replacement of Gaius Octavius (Tirpitz406) (commander of the First Punic War) with :
3) Nay
Vote upon levying of new legions/fleets
2) 4 fleets
Force deployments
1)Dispatch all forces to the First Punic War
Ship Building (+3 per fleet constructed) (winner may refuse this and it will return to the next consuls)
Gaius Octavius (Tirpitz406) Backed by both Consuls +10 votes
Tax Farmer 1 (+2 talents per turn) (winner may refuse this and it will return to the next consuls)
Gaius Antonius (El Tundero) Backed by both Consuls +10 votes
Consul Vote
1)Vibius Caetronianus (MrArmy987) & Opiter Caelius (Safari)
Censor Vote
1)Herius Sertorius (Aetius)
Praetor Vote
1)Decius Herminius Damasippus (Resting Lime)
2)Tiberius Numertorius (JF.) [Ripam Alexandriae]
Vote upon levying of new legions/fleets
1) 3 fleets and 4 Legions
Force deployments
1)Dispatch all forces to the First Punic War
Ship Building (+3 per fleet constructed) (winner may refuse this and it will return to the next consuls)
Cossus Nipius Papus ( Death1816)
Tax Farmer 4 (+2 talents per turn) (winner may refuse this and it will return to the next consuls)
Cossus Nipius Papus ( Death1816)
Consul: 1
Censor: 1
Praetor: 2
Command: 1
Levying: 1
Deployment: 1
Ship Building: Gaius Octavius
Tax Farmer: Cossus Nipius Papus
Trial: Innocent
Someone Better Than You
Consul Vote
1)Vibius Caetronianus (MrArmy987) & Opiter Caelius (Safari)
Censor Vote
1)Herius Sertorius (Aetius)
Praetor Vote
2)Quantius Maximus (GC)
Vote upon levying of new legions/fleets
1) 2 fleets and 5 Legions
Force deployments
1)Dispatch all forces to the First Punic War
Ship Building
Cassius Flavius (Aqollo)
Tax Farmer 4
Quantius Maximus (GCI)
Skrivet av Oleg, 24.08.2016 at 10:06
Skrivet av JF., 24.08.2016 at 10:28
Sry, I forgot about the trial, please edit your posts to include it
Darth. Inlägg: 3783 Från: Indien
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On the matter of the Trial of Senator Tiberius Numertorius (JF.)
I vote him to be:
2) Guilty
Consul Vote
2) Publius Marius (Pyrrhus ) & Gaius Julius (GodofWar )
Censor Vote
1)Herius Sertorius (Aetius)
Praetor Vote
2)Quantius Maximus (GC)
1)Consul Herius Sertorius (Aetius) as land commander, Cossus Nipius Papus ( Death1816) as naval commander
Vote upon levying of new legions/fleets
1) 2 fleets and 5 Legions
Force deployments
1)Dispatch all forces to the First Punic War
Trial of Tiberius Numertorius (JF.)
-hardest decision still deciding-
Ship Building (+3 per fleet constructed) (winner may refuse this and it will return to the next consuls)
Gaius Octavius (Tirpitz406) Backed by both Consuls +10 votes
Tax Farmer 4 (+2 talents per turn) (winner may refuse this and it will return to the next consuls)
Gaius Antonius (El Tundero) Backed by both Consuls +10 votes
Consul Vote
1)Vibius Caetronianus (MrArmy987) & Opiter Caelius (Safari)
Censor Vote
1)Herius Sertorius (Aetius)
Praetor Vote
2)Quantius Maximus (GC)
1)Consul Herius Sertorius (Aetius) as land commander, Cossus Nipius Papus ( Death1816) as naval commander
Vote upon levying of new legions/fleets
1) 2 fleets and 5 Legions
Force deployments
1)Dispatch all forces to the First Punic War
Trial of Tiberius Numertorius (JF.)
2) Guilty [those poor people he abused :'( ]
Ship Building (+3 per fleet constructed) (winner may refuse this and it will return to the next consuls)
Gaius Octavius (Tirpitz406) Backed by both Consuls +10 votes
Tax Farmer 4 (+2 talents per turn) (winner may refuse this and it will return to the next consuls)
Gaius Antonius (El Tundero) Backed by both Consuls +10 votes
Darth. Inlägg: 3783 Från: Indien
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Senator Caspiel Rex casts the following votes:
Consul Vote
2) Publius Marius (Pyrrhus ) & Gaius Julius (GodofWar )
Censor Vote
2)Caspiel Rex (Darth.)
Praetor Vote
1)Decius Herminius Damasippus (Resting Lime)
1)Consul Herius Sertorius (Aetius) as land commander, Cossus Nipius Papus ( Death1816) as naval commander
Vote upon levying of new legions/fleets
1) 2 fleets and 5 Legions
Force deployments
1)Dispatch all forces to the First Punic War
Ship Building
Gaius Octavius (Tirpitz406)
Tax Farmer 4
Gaius Antonius (El Tundero)
Already voted on the Trial of JF as guilty.
Carthago delenda est!
Note: The force deployment option is numbered wrongly
Consul Vote
2) Publius Marius (Pyrrhus ) & Gaius Julius (GodofWar )
Censor Vote
1) Herius Sertorius (Aetius)
Praetor Vote
1) Quantius Maximus (GC)
1) Consul Herius Sertorius (Aetius) as land commander, Cossus Nipius Papus ( Death1816) as naval commander
Vote upon levying of new legions/fleets
1) 2 fleets and 5 Legions
Force deployments
1) Dispatch all forces to the First Punic War
Trial of Tiberius Numertorius (JF.)
2) Guilty
Ship Building
Cossus Nipius Papus ( Death1816)
Tax Farmer 4
Gaius Antonius (El Tundero) Backed by both Consuls +10 votes
Consul Vote 2
Censor Vote 2
Praetor Vote 1
Commands 2
Vote upon levying of new legions/fleets 1
Force deployments : i say again we must dispatch a force to fight Illyria
JF is : 1 Innocent
Ship Building : Tirpitz
Tax Farmer : El Tundero
Consul Vote
1)Vibius Caetronianus (MrArmy987) & Opiter Caelius (Safari)
Censor Vote
2)Caspiel Rex (Darth.)
Praetor Vote
1)Decius Herminius Damasippus (Resting Lime)
1)Consul Herius Sertorius (Aetius) as land commander, Cossus Nipius Papus ( Death1816) as naval commander
Vote upon levying of new legions/fleets
2) 3 fleets and 4 Legions
Force deployments
Trial of Tiberius Numertorius (JF.)
1) Innocent
Consul Vote
2) Publius Marius (Pyrrhus ) & Gaius Julius (GodofWar )
Censor Vote
2)Caspiel Rex (Darth.)
Praetor Vote
1)Decius Herminius Damasippus (Resting Lime)
The current Consuls have decided to issue a vote on the replacement of Gaius Octavius (Tirpitz406) (commander of the First Punic War) with :
1)Consul Herius Sertorius (Aetius) as land commander, Cossus Nipius Papus ( Death1816) as naval commander
Vote upon levying of new legions/fleets
1) 2 fleets and 5 Legions
Force deployments
1)Dispatch all forces to the First Punic War
Trial of Tiberius Numertorius (JF.)
Presiding Censor: Gaius Julius (GodofWar )
Presiding Praetor Opiter Caelius (Safari) (+8 votes due to oratory) will gain half JF's influence if he is prosecuted
Accused: Tiberius Numertorius (JF.) (+2 votes in his defense due to 2 influence)
Crime: Avarice (Minor Prosecution)
Penalty: -5 influence, -5 popularity, all concessions lost
"As a jury of his peers, the Senate is now to declare its verdict on this case!"
2) Guilty
Ship Building (+3 per fleet constructed) (winner may refuse this and it will return to the next consuls)
Gaius Octavius (Tirpitz406) Backed by both Consuls +10 votes
Tax Farmer 4 (+2 talents per turn) (winner may refuse this and it will return to the next consuls)
Gaius Antonius (El Tundero) Backed by both Consuls +10 votes
Attention fellow senators
The trial of JF is a massive miscarriage of justice if he is found guilty.
I bid that you vote not guilty after listening to my defense of JF
As you all know, the primary argument against JF is that he is abusing his concession to gain an advantage.
Gow and his conglomerate of brown nosers are currently the ones in power. They see JF's wealth as a threat so they seek to reinforce their own power by attacking his. They are abusing the fact that they cannot be assassinated as retribution to attack others. It may be JF now but you might be next. Don't listen to their lies. They will meet their end in an alleyway one night.
Secondly, jf is effectively trading 1 popularity for 5 talent which he donated immediately to rome. Is it a crime to trade your own stats for the benefit of rome?
This injustice is only possible in a system where people in power cannot be taken down by assassination and they decide who is next to get in power. Do not allow
rome to spiral into a corrupt oligarchy ran by a secret enigmatic faction who are too spineless to declare themselves to the public.
Because of these factors I vote not guilty and bid fellow senator to do the same.
i gave him an option to not be prosecuted and he chose not to take it it is clear as day that as his faction member you want to defend him but the general consensus is that he is guilty as charged.
i gave him an option to not be prosecuted and he chose not to take it it is clear as day that as his faction member you want to defend him but the general consensus is that he is guilty as charged.
You see me as a threat, only reason you would charge me. Selfish actions, Not actions to benefit Rome and its coming campaigns.
This type of behaviour got us deafen last game and already you have started with this power hungry campaign of yours that is not in the interest of rome.
And losing all my concessions as a punishment ? Clear tactics to get more power for yourself.
gaining ten talents of the people and losing 10x that as a punishment, makes no sense other than to eliminate a threat.
Skrivet av JF., 24.08.2016 at 13:42
i gave him an option to not be prosecuted and he chose not to take it it is clear as day that as his faction member you want to defend him but the general consensus is that he is guilty as charged.
You see me as a threat, only reason you would charge me. Selfish actions, Not actions to benefit Rome and its coming campaigns.
This type of behaviour got us deafen last game and already you have started with this power hungry campaign of yours that is not in the interest of rome.
And losing all my concessions as a punishment ? Clear tactics to get more power for yourself.
gaining ten talents of the people and losing 10x that as a punishment, makes no sense other than to eliminate a threat.
i gave you a fair chance.
i am just doing my job as censor.
sorry you feel that way but you should have been aware of the consequences of doubling the concessions it is in the rules....
Skrivet av JF., 24.08.2016 at 13:42
i gave him an option to not be prosecuted and he chose not to take it it is clear as day that as his faction member you want to defend him but the general consensus is that he is guilty as charged.
You see me as a threat, only reason you would charge me. Selfish actions, Not actions to benefit Rome and its coming campaigns.
This type of behaviour got us deafen last game and already you have started with this power hungry campaign of yours that is not in the interest of rome.
And losing all my concessions as a punishment ? Clear tactics to get more power for yourself.
gaining ten talents of the people and losing 10x that as a punishment, makes no sense other than to eliminate a threat.
i gave you a fair chance.
i am just doing my job as censor.
sorry you feel that way but you should have been aware of the consequences of doubling the concessions it is in the rules....
Doubling and taking my influence and popularity
How is that justified.
Darth. Inlägg: 3783 Från: Indien
![](/images/avatars/1/1115887.jpg) |
Skrivet av JF., 24.08.2016 at 13:42
i gave him an option to not be prosecuted and he chose not to take it it is clear as day that as his faction member you want to defend him but the general consensus is that he is guilty as charged.
You see me as a threat, only reason you would charge me. Selfish actions, Not actions to benefit Rome and its coming campaigns.
This type of behaviour got us deafen last game and already you have started with this power hungry campaign of yours that is not in the interest of rome.
And losing all my concessions as a punishment ? Clear tactics to get more power for yourself.
gaining ten talents of the people and losing 10x that as a punishment, makes no sense other than to eliminate a threat.
You're blaming him for last game? He was dead last game lol. How is you losing concessions going to give him more power?
Also Aqollo saying 'secret enigmatic faction' really made my day XAXAXAXA You guys get all paranoid about how gow and I want to take over Rome all by ourselves. Idk how 2 guys will take over the Republic, but I'll take it as a compliment ![](/images/smilies/thumbup.gif)
I mean, we're outnumbered and outvoted, but somehow we're a 2 man conspiracy to do a coup.
Skrivet av Darth., 24.08.2016 at 13:52
Skrivet av JF., 24.08.2016 at 13:42
i gave him an option to not be prosecuted and he chose not to take it it is clear as day that as his faction member you want to defend him but the general consensus is that he is guilty as charged.
You see me as a threat, only reason you would charge me. Selfish actions, Not actions to benefit Rome and its coming campaigns.
This type of behaviour got us deafen last game and already you have started with this power hungry campaign of yours that is not in the interest of rome.
And losing all my concessions as a punishment ? Clear tactics to get more power for yourself.
gaining ten talents of the people and losing 10x that as a punishment, makes no sense other than to eliminate a threat.
You're blaming him for last game? He was dead last game lol. How is you losing concessions going to give him more power?
Also Aqollo saying 'secret enigmatic faction' really made my day XAXAXAXA You guys get all paranoid about how gow and I want to take over Rome all by ourselves. Idk how 2 guys will take over the Republic, but I'll take it as a compliment ![](/images/smilies/thumbup.gif)
I mean, we're outnumbered and outvoted, but somehow we're a 2 man conspiracy to do a coup.
yes he was part of the reason we lost, he causing too much trouble and trying to horde power for him and his people instead of rome
Darth. Inlägg: 3783 Från: Indien
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Skrivet av JF., 24.08.2016 at 13:51
Skrivet av JF., 24.08.2016 at 13:42
i gave him an option to not be prosecuted and he chose not to take it it is clear as day that as his faction member you want to defend him but the general consensus is that he is guilty as charged.
You see me as a threat, only reason you would charge me. Selfish actions, Not actions to benefit Rome and its coming campaigns.
This type of behaviour got us deafen last game and already you have started with this power hungry campaign of yours that is not in the interest of rome.
And losing all my concessions as a punishment ? Clear tactics to get more power for yourself.
gaining ten talents of the people and losing 10x that as a punishment, makes no sense other than to eliminate a threat.
i gave you a fair chance.
i am just doing my job as censor.
sorry you feel that way but you should have been aware of the consequences of doubling the concessions it is in the rules....
Doubling and taking my influence and popularity
How is that justified.
If convicted by a vote, the Accused loses 5 Popularity (which can become negative) and 5 Influence (to a minimum of 0) as well as any Prior Consul marker, and must return all of his Concessions
Ask Aetius. It's in the rules. Do your research
Darth. Inlägg: 3783 Från: Indien
![](/images/avatars/1/1115887.jpg) |
Skrivet av JF., 24.08.2016 at 13:53
Skrivet av Darth., 24.08.2016 at 13:52
Skrivet av JF., 24.08.2016 at 13:42
i gave him an option to not be prosecuted and he chose not to take it it is clear as day that as his faction member you want to defend him but the general consensus is that he is guilty as charged.
You see me as a threat, only reason you would charge me. Selfish actions, Not actions to benefit Rome and its coming campaigns.
This type of behaviour got us deafen last game and already you have started with this power hungry campaign of yours that is not in the interest of rome.
And losing all my concessions as a punishment ? Clear tactics to get more power for yourself.
gaining ten talents of the people and losing 10x that as a punishment, makes no sense other than to eliminate a threat.
You're blaming him for last game? He was dead last game lol. How is you losing concessions going to give him more power?
Also Aqollo saying 'secret enigmatic faction' really made my day XAXAXAXA You guys get all paranoid about how gow and I want to take over Rome all by ourselves. Idk how 2 guys will take over the Republic, but I'll take it as a compliment ![](/images/smilies/thumbup.gif)
I mean, we're outnumbered and outvoted, but somehow we're a 2 man conspiracy to do a coup.
yes he was part of the reason we lost, he causing too much trouble and trying to horde power for him and his people instead of rome
How??! He didn't get voted into power, and he was assassinated turn 3, came back turn 6 and game ended turn 7....
Skrivet av Darth., 24.08.2016 at 13:54
Skrivet av JF., 24.08.2016 at 13:51
Skrivet av JF., 24.08.2016 at 13:42
i gave him an option to not be prosecuted and he chose not to take it it is clear as day that as his faction member you want to defend him but the general consensus is that he is guilty as charged.
You see me as a threat, only reason you would charge me. Selfish actions, Not actions to benefit Rome and its coming campaigns.
This type of behaviour got us deafen last game and already you have started with this power hungry campaign of yours that is not in the interest of rome.
And losing all my concessions as a punishment ? Clear tactics to get more power for yourself.
gaining ten talents of the people and losing 10x that as a punishment, makes no sense other than to eliminate a threat.
i gave you a fair chance.
i am just doing my job as censor.
sorry you feel that way but you should have been aware of the consequences of doubling the concessions it is in the rules....
Doubling and taking my influence and popularity
How is that justified.
If convicted by a vote, the Accused loses 5 Popularity (which can become negative) and 5 Influence (to a minimum of 0) as well as any Prior Consul marker, and must return all of his Concessions
Ask Aetius. It's in the rules. Do your research ![](/images/smilies/thumbup.gif)
We follow the rules on the first page not the whole book of rules.
Darth. Inlägg: 3783 Från: Indien
![](/images/avatars/1/1115887.jpg) |
Skrivet av JF., 24.08.2016 at 13:55
Skrivet av Darth., 24.08.2016 at 13:54
Skrivet av JF., 24.08.2016 at 13:51
Skrivet av JF., 24.08.2016 at 13:42
i gave him an option to not be prosecuted and he chose not to take it it is clear as day that as his faction member you want to defend him but the general consensus is that he is guilty as charged.
You see me as a threat, only reason you would charge me. Selfish actions, Not actions to benefit Rome and its coming campaigns.
This type of behaviour got us deafen last game and already you have started with this power hungry campaign of yours that is not in the interest of rome.
And losing all my concessions as a punishment ? Clear tactics to get more power for yourself.
gaining ten talents of the people and losing 10x that as a punishment, makes no sense other than to eliminate a threat.
i gave you a fair chance.
i am just doing my job as censor.
sorry you feel that way but you should have been aware of the consequences of doubling the concessions it is in the rules....
Doubling and taking my influence and popularity
How is that justified.
If convicted by a vote, the Accused loses 5 Popularity (which can become negative) and 5 Influence (to a minimum of 0) as well as any Prior Consul marker, and must return all of his Concessions
Ask Aetius. It's in the rules. Do your research ![](/images/smilies/thumbup.gif)
We follow the rules on the first page not the whole book of rules.
It is on the first page man. Post number 2 or 3. Go look.
JF wont be found guilty, its over
1 for all votes
Zephyr for naval shit
Aetius for tax stuff
Skrivet av Darth., 24.08.2016 at 13:56
I stand corrected.
Skrivet av Darth., 24.08.2016 at 13:52
You're blaming him for last game? He was dead last game lol. How is you losing concessions going to give him more power?
Also Aqollo saying 'secret enigmatic faction' really made my day XAXAXAXA You guys get all paranoid about how gow and I want to take over Rome all by ourselves. Idk how 2 guys will take over the Republic, but I'll take it as a compliment ![](/images/smilies/thumbup.gif)
I mean, we're outnumbered and outvoted, but somehow we're a 2 man conspiracy to do a coup.
Look at this man's lies stream straight from his lips.
He claims to be a 2 man team but tirpitz is also partnered with them.
He later claims that gow was assassinated turn 3 but it was turn 4.
Stop twisting the truth, people are getting sick of your shit. The fact that you people are the only ones who needed bodyguards last game really says something about your reputation.
Skrivet av Darth., 24.08.2016 at 13:54
How??! He didn't get voted into power, and he was assassinated turn 3, came back turn 6 and game ended turn 7....
He was killed turn 4 and never came back. Stop twisting the truth.
Darth. Inlägg: 3783 Från: Indien
![](/images/avatars/1/1115887.jpg) |
Gow, it's you and me versus the whole of Rome....we attack at dawn