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Do you think fighters should be normal units?

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Antal röster: 25
28.11.2012 - 21:49
I know, I know, asking for something to be a standard unit is both not normally considered by the admins, AND pretty much obsolete with AtWar being launched soon which includes custom units. However, I feel that Fighters could play a significant role in what would be standard games after the integration.

If you don't know, fighters are currently a rare air unit that has average attack and defense, and decent range, but has a +6 (I think it's +6, don't quote me on this) attack and defense bonus against bombers (and stealth? it's been a while since I've gotten any). Implementing fighters as a buy-able unit for normal games would add a different element to air battles, as currently there is a bread-and-butter sky unit, the bomber, and a much more expensive stealth bomber. Bombers under most strategies have 6 attack and 6 defense, and with Sky Menace, have 8 attack while still having 5 defense, while also having incredible range and the ability to go over water, at the cost of 160 normally and 130 under Sky Menace. I'm not exactly asking for a nerf on bombers, or on sky menace, but I think that adding the fighter, which would be given low attack against most units, while having decent defense at a reasonable cost, would be able to slaughter bombers and stealth bombers, which would require either a fighter escort for an air stack, or to go full steam ahead with the hopes of not getting shot out of the sky. This would be similar to tank stacks during ground warfare, in that either infantry can be put in the stack to increase chances of survival in the event of turnblocking, or the tank stacks going unprotected and hoping for the best.

The Stats-

Obviously an Air unit
Attack- 3. (5 with Sky Menace, with a +9 attack bonus against bombers and stealth bombers, and a +3/4 bonus against fighters to make fighter fights even under the same strat)
Defence- I think 6 or 7 would be fair. (+6 against bombers and stealth bombers)
Hitpoints- 7
ARB/Critical strike-whatever a standard unit's is
Movement range- 2 more than a bomber's range (would also be 2 more than your own bombers range while using Sky Menace)
Cost- anywhere between 180 and 200 normally would be fine, with a 30 drop when using Sky Menace

Incase there is any confusing remaining (yeah I typed this up late at night), fighters would be used almost as a direct counter to bombers and stealth bombers since anti-aircraft are pretty inviable as a counter except to prevent bombers from taking a city. They would be weak offensively against ground troops, but would still have decent defense to prevent the stacks from getting annihilated by tanks before they engage the bombers. When used on your own bomber stacks, they would give extra protection against other bombers, and ensure that your bomber stack isn't annihilated by other fighters, and depending on the defense value given, could also protect your bombers against all other attacks, although not at such a high rate as against bombers.

So what do you guys think? Do you think this would be an OP unit? A too-weak unit only good for taking out bombers? Not needed? or just right?
"Bitches ain't shit, but hoes and tricks"
-Mahatma Gandhi
29.11.2012 - 02:24
That sounds like a great Idea to be honest. I think it's base defence should be lowered though. I would back this but the admins rarely consider these things. Currently the best counter to the highly op Sky menace is Anti-air which is stationary for defense only. I would love to be able to buy fighters. I suggested to something similar to this a while ago. My idea consisted of being able to purchase rare units according to your strategy. (naturally sky menace would get fighters which would really only be good for defending and attacking against other air units.) I really wished they would have considered my idea.
I hate to advocate drugs alcohol and violence to the kids, but it's always worked for me.
29.11.2012 - 06:05
Kontot borttaget
No. We already got bombers and anti-aircraft, maybe you can make a custom map with it though.
29.11.2012 - 07:15
Actually, I even like the idea. It would bring more combinations in battles
29.11.2012 - 07:26
Yes, i like the idea. but i'm not too bothered... you can just make a custom map with it. youd have to think about how it would affect sm... the bombers might need a slight boost.
29.11.2012 - 10:29
You can always add those units to your map-scenario.
I dont understand why people says that Full Package is too expensive:

"I... Feel a little dead inside"
30.11.2012 - 03:57

TJM !!!
30.11.2012 - 18:49
I voted yes; not really sure how many people would play the default map, just with fighters. It wouldn't be very convenient.

I think if we did implement fighters, the SM nerf would no longer be necessary. To not make this backfire completely, I wouldn't give SM any boosts to fighters, except a lower cost. All an SM would have to do is build OP fighters to combat someone else's weaker fighters. That said, I'd make the attack 4, and the defence 5.
"If in other sciences we are to arrive at certainty without doubt and truth without error, it behooves us to place the foundations of knowledge in mathematics."
-The Opus Major of Roger Bacon
01.12.2012 - 01:47
There is no point in talk about adding new units because you can add them yourself into custom maps now.

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