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13.08.2012 - 21:22
Lucky Bastard

A strategy that has been driving many to believe the purpose of its existence. It's been buffed several times but yet nothing sufficient has arose from them. The "luck" factor, is definitely something hard to implement regarding its bad reliability in battle. Originally, LB was at +3ARB which was clearly not enough, then 5 and now +10. Despite seeing some differences in large scale battles, Lucky bastard still isn't lucky enough nor reliable when it comes down to expanding minimally to neutrals. For example, we all know with GW, it takes normally 6 marines to take out 8 militia. However, with LB there are never any guarantees.

Here's what can be done;

At the moment the ARB system works like this:
+1 25%
+2 25%*66%=16,5%
+3 16,5%*66%=10,89%
+4 10,89%*66%=~7,19%

Therefore, the initial roll for the "+1" is at 25% on all units and strategies. So even though LB has 10 ARB it still has to get passed that first initial 25%.
I suggest raising that chance to maybe lets say 50% on LB, while maybe reducing the amount of ARB to 7 or 8. (because you never know 10 might be extremely OP)

This should solve all problems related to the strategy in terms of "safely" expanding on neutrals.


I'll go quickly with this one. Blitz is a strategy mean't to expand quickly and stun the enemy, which it already does. However, Blitz has horrible defence, and when I say horrible...... I mean it's bad. With blitzkrieg, it's actually better to leave cities empty and attack with everything you got and just retake the cities you lost. (except ofc cities you choose to wall) The problem with this tactic is that Blitz doesn't produce enough money to generate these opportunities. I suggest either making Blitzkrieg cheaper so that the "leave cities empty and expand fast" tactic is viable. On the other hand,
buffing its defence is a good option too.

Option 1:
-Keep blitzkrieg as it is except make all units -10 cost

Options 2:
-Keep it the same except make militia 4 defence instead of 2, and infantry 5 defence instead of 4.
Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
14.08.2012 - 00:17
I like the idea of keeping Blitz's defensive units as usable while making the rest of the units suffer the defense penalty. At the least it allows it to be counterable but since you can actually defend yourself it's not as ridiculously weak.

Also, your LB idea seems pretty sturdy. I'd agree with it.
14.08.2012 - 14:45
Yeah, boosting blitz's defensive units would definitely help minimize its tremendous weakness while staying within the boundaries of a reasonable nerf.
Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
14.08.2012 - 15:11
I like the lucky bastard idea. It reduces the luck factor a bit, so you're more likely to get that extra attack needed.
~Somewhere in the distance an eagle shrieked as it rode an American buffalo to an apple-pie-eating contest at a baseball field.~
14.08.2012 - 16:51
I agree with ZOG on the +1 attack for blitz, adding defense would be...odd

also lucky bastard should get + chance to tb, though I don't think they can put this in : ( I think to make it better would be to remove the extra cost, for one, I don't think it costs anything to be lucky and second the disadvantage to having the extra arb is it not being reliable, doesn't need this cost too. View range is kind of irrelevant for this strat, view range only makes sense to have with blitz because you need it to see where your extremely far-range units can go
Skrivet av Amok, 31.08.2012 at 03:10
Fruit's theory is correct
Skrivet av tophat, 30.08.2012 at 21:04
Fruit is right

14.08.2012 - 17:11
I agree with TopHats assessment of Lucky Bastard being unreliable. But isn't that the point? Any strategy based on luck is somewhat counter to the spirit of a > strategy < game. With Lucky Bastard, you still have to worry about the 'what-if' factor, so it's more of a monkey wrench to consider when facing a player using it. I suppose the ARB could be 33%, but 50% makes little sense. If you're getting lucky half the time, you should not be playing Afterwind. You should be hitting on the talent at your local bar.

As for Blitzkrieg, one solution would be to remove the movement bonus on militia and infantry, but have the militia at normal defense. Normal Infantry defense would be too much of an advantage given Blitz already has the offense range superiority... but -1 defense in cities, with normal movement range would allow those using Blitz some ability to defend their cities.
14.08.2012 - 18:30
Blitz Factors:
"Movement Bonus" = Soldiers in Vehicles
"Attack Bonus" = Unexpected German Attack
12.09.2012 - 23:14
When I first started playing Afterwind, I never defended any of my cities with infantry or any kind. All defense was offense using Tank General as my resource. I would put borders around cities close to capitals and if I got hit. I hit back. This went really well. Now with Blits I believe its best defense is its offense. The speed is enough and there are strats out there better for "defending" your cites. I say keep it the way it is. People do fine with it.
31.10.2012 - 12:50
I support the boost to defence idea. Looking at Nazi Germany, which is obviously where the term comes from, their focus was on the very best tanks, which for realism purposes in this game doesn't lend to making the units cheaper. Higher defence does, because they moved with tanks and infantry together...

so kind of like a faster slightly less organised (at/def) version of GC... not that the infantry should be close to that def

so i suggest def 3 militia def 5 for infantry, or basically, -1 defence for all units.

I don't care enough about lucky bastard to make a suggestion for it.

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