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Inlägg: 3   Besökt av: 56 users
24.07.2012 - 06:53
More mods are needed,thats for sure. When you need them,they are not online,and when you dont need them, many of them are on. Kind a funny but true :/
"There is a hero in all of us"

24.07.2012 - 07:29
Here are some suggestions:

Safari, Clovek30, Tzeentch, Chess, Barrymore

24.07.2012 - 08:23
We're always checking for new candidates but the final decision remains with Ivan and Amok. Anyway, most of the problems can be solved with simple solutions that demands no immediate presence of a mod.

If you have problems with spam, disable especific chats or put the player on ignore list;
If you find a bug/glitch, take screenshots of the problem and post it on the bugs section
If you see a player abusing a glitch/bug, farming SP or acting offensive towards other players, take screenshots and send it to a mod by PM and we will handle the problem as soon as possible.

Also, we are always checking report logs, so even if there's no mod online by the time you make a report, be sure that it will be seen and, if needed, taken care of when we're able to go online.

I'm sorry, but this same kind of thread has been made many times, therefore I'm closing it.
"Whenever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear and another hand reaches out to take up our arms".

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