02.01.2013 - 09:34
lol keept with lies. safari and me got award because we report bugs in custom maps go ask safari if i dont tell the true .stop blame me in forums mods do samething with this lier i check bug forums and i dont even find bug report from you,anyway lies have short legs and true always won remember that and this is topic for voting not to blame me ok just leave me alone.anyway you make big damage in my coalition with you are troll partner ldk from 55 players now i have 35 members because you are stupid interview and ldk.
---- ![]()
LFC4Life Kontot borttaget |
02.01.2013 - 09:43 LFC4Life Kontot borttaget
Avatar, I've made tonnes more 'stupid interviews' about everyone else. I've even made a 'stupid topic' about Dalmati. They don't hate me and I don't hate them. I don't hate you, you're a pretty nice dude and your custom maps are awesome ![]() Also you and EAB need to solve your situation together and not drag anyone else into it (like you've done so with me). Make up, drink beer and be friends like you used to be ![]()
02.01.2013 - 19:03
It's not at all irrelevant. This competition encourages people to help out in forums etc..
---- Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
03.01.2013 - 01:23
Can these players/voters contact me, and tell me what they voted? mufidipa: Not seen online for serval days, nor seen on this topic. Plank: Not seen online for serval days, nor seen on this topic. Alejandro: Not seen online for serval days, nor seen on this topic. H: Player does not exist ChuckNorris: Player does not exist Without any reply, all these votes will be cancelled.
---- Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
03.01.2013 - 01:49
"Plank" is Kaliraa, we contacted him via IRC so he opened the topic and voted. Guess he didn't log in. The rest, I have no idea.
03.01.2013 - 02:12
You mean Kaliraa? He never played a match ....
---- Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
03.01.2013 - 02:16
I remember the name from beta, I have a feeling that Kaliraa changed his game name and someone snatched it while it was changed. I don't think he has been active for the past year though.
03.01.2013 - 02:25
Ah, ok. If Desu can confirm this with his current username, i will count this vote. Also; Someone is voting multiple times with the name 'nigger' or something simulair. Offcource these votes will also be refused.
---- Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
03.01.2013 - 02:27
Yeah, when I said Kaliraa I meant the account's name that he was known by. Look in the previous games of Plank.
03.01.2013 - 02:27
Ok, i got his vote.
---- Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
03.01.2013 - 06:32
Yes, yes. Helping players around and finding bugs are completely irrelevant to the game. #Bestmod2013 I find it a little ironic that don't seem to know exactly what's going on even though you're a mod. :/
03.01.2013 - 06:52
Sry Leaf, but you understood Pin wrong here. Pin said that Fruits fighting with LDK is 'completely irrelevant', and they should take this medal less seriously. He did not state any opinion about the candidates, nor did he say that bug reporting is irrelevant. Did you know that we (mods) did choose Aristosseur as a candidate? If we found 'bug reporting' irrelevant, we didn't make him candidate in the first place.
---- Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
03.01.2013 - 07:42
I don't think so at all. It's clear what Pinheiro meant with his post. I'm not insulting the every mod. I'm just disappointed at the lack of interest and the arrogance Pinheiro has for this as he's obviously finding this PotY thing "extremely irrelevant and a funny way to celebrate the end of a year". I completely doubt that he meant that Fruits little dispute with LDK is "extremely irrelevant and a funny way to celebrate the end of a year" especially with the mention of "a funny way to celebrate the end of a year". It's nice of you to try and cover for Pinheiro, but you don't need to cover for him, Hugosch.
03.01.2013 - 09:47
Anyways my two pence....Avatar, LDK after your outbursts on this forum I couldn't vote for either of you. Mathdino, Mezza and Tesla nice guys keep up the involvement but others I feel did more, Talos I dont know of sorry. Which leaves me with Pulse, Ezzatam and Aristosseur to choose from. Pulse I am too much friends with, and as much as I respect Ezzatam's work with custom maps and translations his maps are something I dont personally enjoy. So my vote for continued service to AtWar goes to Aristosseur. Remember this guy has played the game longer than most of us so over the course of the Year and beyond that is a lot of reporting training others game wise, having good social etc etc Anyways good luck to all the candidates (try not to take it too serious)
03.01.2013 - 13:05
You're right about this part.
Sorry if it sounded like that, but what I meant (and I'm talking like a player, not a mod) is that I find the prize irrelevant, not it's candidates or their merits to be here. I just think that being a good and helpful player has nothing to do with winning a medal, or at least that's not the objective you should be trying to reach with it. This prize or even the medal won't change the way the winner is already seem among the community. His behaviors until now, that guaranteed his place here, are the true cause and consequence of his reputation.
---- "Whenever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear and another hand reaches out to take up our arms".
03.01.2013 - 14:51
Everybody pardon Pinheiro's bad English.
---- Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
03.01.2013 - 19:40
Yes but wasn't the purpose of having this title and medal introduced in order to congratulate a player on their achievement for what they have been able to do for the community? This title and medal will have an huge effect on first impressions made by new players. If the person who receives the PotY acts like the worst human on Earth, that's saying something about the AW community if that person kind of person is the PotY; players will automatically assume that everyone else is even worse. This more or less affects everyone here.
04.01.2013 - 01:03
I think Talos should win... That's who i voted for.
---- "Si vis pacem, para bellum" - Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus
04.01.2013 - 04:55
Do you trully believe on your statement?
---- "Whenever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear and another hand reaches out to take up our arms".
04.01.2013 - 05:06
I'm just stating my concern here. I find your comment ever so slightly insulting. EDIT: Please don't try to evade the concern here by trying to instead mock me.
04.01.2013 - 05:54
Guys, what is the goal in this discussion? Fighting about who is right or wrong in a vote? I'm trying to make this voting a success, so we might startup more votings in the future and the AW-players voices are heard. I really hoped everyone could just vote and give their opinion without insulting other players or candidates, or start fighting about someone's opinion. And so far i thought it was a success. Please; don't ruin this for me, but especially: don't ruin it for yourself ......
---- Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
04.01.2013 - 06:59
Honestly, I don't understand most of you guys... Pin is right when he says the prize is not too important and whoever is helpful just because of that has successfully missed the whole point. Also, this is partly made for fun and you're just flaming around. Can we, at least once, do this in a positive manner and congratulate the winner (whoever he is), instead of arguing why he didn't deserve it and why is someone else a better candidate. Nobody is perfect, and no candidate is perfect and we should accept that. I would like if we continue without bashing each other. Thank you. ![]()
04.01.2013 - 07:09
I really don't get why you mods are so timid. You take all the important stuff as a joke and all the irrelevant thing so serious. Priorities. Have you heard of them?
04.01.2013 - 07:16
Well, my primary objective was to to state my opinion on how players are takig this more as an ego competition than like a celebration. Nobody is fighting here in my opinion Hugosch (if you're alking about me and Leaf, ofc), but we are discussing about the prize concepts, which is the main subject here, right? And I think you can agree with me that forum's main reason of existence are to generate discussions.
I'm not trying to evade anything and you should take my comments as my personal opinion about the subject and your statement, not about yourself. To make it simpler then: I disagree with the importance you said this prize has, in my opinion, it's a way of recognition, but it has far less importance to the way the player is already seem by the community than his own acts. A medal on anyone profile won't change the way new players see the winner and specially not the way they see the entire community, who's not represented by this single person. His own behavior and what he has done so far are way more important, we've had many helpful and good players, some that aren't even part of AW's community anymore and that have done a lot for AW without aiming any medals. My concern is that good or bad behavior on AW turns into a similar (and stupid) concept that it has in the Catholic Church, where people should do good things and avoid bad ones (sins) in order to go to heaven and avoid hell. Just in time: I have given my vote already and I will refrain from posting here from now on, it seems that my opinion might lead to an unintended situation. Good luck to everyone.
Everyone has it's priorities and it's concepts of what it's important and what's not. Simply because this prize seems like an extremely important thing to fight for to you and a few others, it doesn't mean it's to everyone else. Last, but not least, those giving it the wrong importance (in my opinion) are the ones ruining the whole objective of the prize in the first place.
---- "Whenever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear and another hand reaches out to take up our arms".
04.01.2013 - 07:59
I understand what you are trying to say but my concern was that if you have noticed the audience that AW has managed to attract, it mainly consists of minors and I'm going to be stereotypical here but minors may lack the knowledge to deduce these simple things.
This really had to be stated clearly when the PotM/PotY was introduced to prevent causing confusion. Exactly how legit/important is this for the admins/mods. It's really creating alot of confusion for me if one mod is saying it's not to be taken too seriously when another is saying the opposite. I mean, if it's really not that important then why bother? Pinheiro, please don't forget you're talking in a place where you have authority over most of us which makes us believe that whatever you say is believed to be what the rest of the admins/mods think. Albeit, thank you for clearing up most of the other issues.
LFC4Life Kontot borttaget |
04.01.2013 - 08:22 LFC4Life Kontot borttaget
These awards are also like a test to see whether people will change after they receive their awards. Some may continue their work and some may just stop, showing us they only did the work to get the medals.
04.01.2013 - 08:24
With that argument you have lost most of your credibility in this discussion. I think what you don't get is that 'minors' (with the exception of Gardevoir) don't learn how to behave from an online game, nor do they idolise and imitate people online with a shiny medal in their profile. "May lack the knowledge to deduce these simple things"? Really? I think most 'minors' don't give a crap about who wins this in he grand scheme of things. If you're really worried about the children, then let's go ahead and ban all of SRB and anyone else who chooses to swear, troll, or insult anyone in this game. You are being very stereotypical for a 17 year old, mate. Please find another way to place undue importance on this award. Now can we all just sit back, vote, and have some fun with this? ![]()
---- "If in other sciences we are to arrive at certainty without doubt and truth without error, it behooves us to place the foundations of knowledge in mathematics." -The Opus Major of Roger Bacon
04.01.2013 - 09:39
You missed my point which is probably because my main point for writing that is related to something I wrote earlier.
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