02.01.2019 - 16:32
Unfortunately this game runs on Windows servers, which are more expensive. I would love to run it on a normal Linux stack, but that would require some major re-writes of code. The current hosting is about as good a deal as we're gonna get, for what we need. ![]()
Good idea. I support it.
As you know I'm running ads in the forums for non-premium users. Unfortunately the revenue is tiny because so many people already have premium, and I don't want to impose ads on premium users. For now the ads are basically just a small incentive to get premium for those who don't.
Totally agree.
I want to do mobile versions first, I think that will get us a lot more exposure. I'd be open to a PC/Steam version later on, but everybody I talk to who is in the game industry tells me mobile is the way to go. Of course none of that can happen until we get what we already have stabilized... which means fixing bugs and a lot of other details.
02.01.2019 - 16:32
.100% only thing i buy some for is to promote threads honestly there isn't much to do with them
---- I demolish my bridges behind me...then there is no choice but to move forward ![]() ![]()
02.01.2019 - 16:34
Did you even read anything I just said? Besides, you have lifetime premium already so this doesn't even affect you.
02.01.2019 - 16:36
Maybe I'll start an official changelog, that's not a bad idea.
02.01.2019 - 16:37
the admin's have one. somewhere the old admins as is, i dont think it has been used since 2014 tho. edit: maybe if you buy a year membership you get 50 pc every month as some games offer in game currency with there memberships.
---- I demolish my bridges behind me...then there is no choice but to move forward ![]() ![]()
02.01.2019 - 16:38
If we sold Lifetime again it would have to be for a much higher price than $49.99, that's for sure. I would be more open to the idea of giving it as a tournament prize, but not too frequently.
02.01.2019 - 16:42
Is it really so bad price that it needed this much drama? You pay 36$ per year and you cry about it... It is 3$/month and it is really good price, other browser/phone WORSE games offer premiums for a lot more. Dave was fair and didn't remove premiums from players that bought them while they were available, which means that he respects the system that existed before, and that he respects the money we spent to buy premiums. P.S Let's not argue on second day of new year, babs.. ![]()
02.01.2019 - 16:45
Hey im happy, i can still have my lifetime prem, so thats all that matters really ![]()
---- *War in Europe again isn't good for anyone... that's why the EU Needs to Evoke and Become the EEC once more, as an International, Nationalist Union Long Live The Realms! Long Live the Europeans!*
02.01.2019 - 16:46
Sorry to say it, but Amok&Ivan tried this and sold like 20 T-shirts. I don't really think it's a viable option. My personal opinion is, that giving people who want to pay a lot more PC (usually 20% account for 80% of the income) an option to pay more for useless cosmetics is the best way to get more money, if that's what you're after. Valve did this with almost all of their games, and it works great for them. I can think of a lot of things you could sell this way anyways. More colours, maybe a fancy shield, maybe a hat on top of your avatar, maybe extra space for your signature. There is a lot you can do, I think.
Making aw playable on mobile is probably pretty difficult, but I wish you luck.
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02.01.2019 - 18:51
Yo Dave. I work with Linux errday. Please can you elaborate on this point. I might be able to help keep costs down. How much are these windows servers: dollar amount vs timeframe? More importantly. What technology(s) do you feel are preventing you from switching to linux? Is it a language? Are you worried about database migration? Ia there a specific dependency? Where I work we infrequently migrate apps from windows to linux without issue. Also, what requirements does the server have in terms of performance? Are you running a cluster or a single one?
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02.01.2019 - 20:18
Amok a while back said it was 240$ a month
---- ![]() We are not the same- I am a Martian.
02.01.2019 - 20:33
First I'd like to start off by saying that I think your doing a good job right now, but i think i need to tell you this from a consumer standpoint. The current html5 format of atwar was released in 2015, one of the reasons amok said he chose the platform was for mobile compatibility. He made alot of ui changes to make atwar more phone friendly leading up to a update to make it more stable that never came. From a consumer stand point the ui changes where not good for pc players at all and it made the menus far less seamless and user friendly. This was just one faulty instance of our experience being jeopardized for a easier consumer market. Now I'm not telling you to do with your investment but I do hope you will consider the skill gap between a pc player and a person on a phone and how many actions per minute more a pc player can produce then a phone user. My solution would be to keep the two groups seperate as two things will happen. New and more casual phone users will be dismayed by veteran pc players utterly destroying them, and the same pc player base will get pissed off for those new players ruining there games. So yes I think a mobile version would be great for making more income, but no I dont think I or many current players would switch over, more so we would not be appreciative if you dumbed mechanics down or changed the ui even further. The solution I'd like to see is our current pc atwar be patched up a bit to be more stable and the map and scenario editors work. Once those two things are done I'd see no issue if you wanted to create a phone port on a seperate server, as long as you do not abandon our player base. I hope you'll give this a read and consider the practicality of cross platforming, and the potential dangers of migrating the game twards a phone based future.
---- ![]() We are not the same- I am a Martian.
02.01.2019 - 22:40
Never take Monk seriously, a lot of CW/Duelers are pure trolls such as myself partially.
---- Lest we forget Moja Bosna Ponosna
02.01.2019 - 22:46
Thank you dave for taking a time to response us! I cant be more agreed whit this, i usually play Atwar in my cellphone, a samsung galaxi J7, at the start it was very hard and stressfull to do but after so much games now i can handle, anyway it have many issues like players/units tab(cant fund allies,use diplomacy to low sp players or see units stats) the city tab(if a map have many kind of units, i can only buy the units that my cellphone show to me, the top ones, but i cant go down) and the hotkeys(maybe the most important issue becauase it takes to much time to make a single wall or break an enemy wall in cellphone) and other minors issues. Chrome have the option to make the actual mobile version looks like the pc version, it have a damn lag but i can fix some things whit that option. I prefer so far to play on mobile because i dont have to sit in the same place for hours or i can do other things at the same time even play out of my house. And i see many people here who want to play in cellphone but found it too hard and stressfull, the mobile version will help a lot the game activity and grown the community. I hope you can make it soon and there are the issues i found. Sorry for bad english too xD
02.01.2019 - 23:03
Well a lot of people are missing the fact that Dave is thinking long-term for this platform and is gradually getting more and more involved as the days go on. Amok completely abandon the game after it was poorly shipped to HTML5 and Ivan was only here and there to make sure it was partially working while Sun Tsu carried the load. I don't know much about marketing so I can't say for certain but this game was barely paying for itself under the 2 brothers, from what Safari told me when they approached him about being a dev. Since 2013 to around 2016 I was regularly buying 1 months as I saw it as a way to help keep the game afloat and I know other players who still do something similar. I've found that the only players complaining already have lifetime or infact inherited their accounts from others which isn't exactly allowed too xD. I find it funny seeing how ungreatful a lot of you are, I'm aware some of you just didn't quite understand and now you're all caught up and are fine. But it blows my mind how some of you are so completelt ignorant to everything, the only times Amok would ever appear is when someone was threatening a lawsuit or when he saw Garde trash talking him in the forums. Imagine having an owner who only shows up to talk shit in the forums? My strange point being is I think we should take a bit of a back seat and observe Dave as he starts to take full control over this game, maybe he will do good or maybe he won't. All I know is that I need to see people fucking up before I start to call them out on their shit. I realize this was all over the place, i think I have undiagnosed dyslexia... and probably autism.
---- Lest we forget Moja Bosna Ponosna
02.01.2019 - 23:16
Agreed, he implemented the long wanted Green Shield, is interacting with the community very well, created a new premium payment system and is getting mods of their afk couch. All within what? 3-5 weeks? Less? Clovis and Dave. Best devs! ![]()
---- *War in Europe again isn't good for anyone... that's why the EU Needs to Evoke and Become the EEC once more, as an International, Nationalist Union Long Live The Realms! Long Live the Europeans!*
02.01.2019 - 23:53
This need 1. more players 2. app or mobile version 3. protoshop 4. a new suscription, paralel to premium, called vip this anoter VIP suscription should have more upgrades and general upgrades (upgrades bought with proto, not with sp), to nerf Premium suscription, and nerf lifetime premium players, and nerf high rank players that have all upgrades, and equate new players with high ranks and olds, and make dave rich, and make atwar great
03.01.2019 - 00:00
They need to let us delete our errored maps.
03.01.2019 - 00:53
There are 3 servers currently, the main server and 2 smaller ones. Total cost $300/month. The game itself is all in C#. I've heard you can compile C# code to run on linux using Mono, but personally I've never tried it. The game uses Microsoft Signal-R, plus a bunch of other dependencies. I've also heard SignalR is possible on linux, but again I've never tried it. As for all the other dependencies, I guess I'd have to go through them one by one. Bottom line is it possible? Sure. Is it worth it? Not right now. It's a can of worms I really don't want to open... Maybe someday, but not now. I don't want to do anything major and possibly introduce a whole new set of bugs, when we haven't even dealt with a lot of already existing bugs. I would rather pay a little more for the servers until everything else is running smoothly.
03.01.2019 - 01:31
do it please lmao
03.01.2019 - 01:35
Alright. Well whenver you think you're ready I'd be happy to help, if you need it. Using digital ocean.. by no means the cheapest. I anticipate you could reduce that cost to 120 usd pm or less. Using a 16gb ram 6cpu 320gb ssd main server and 2 x 4gb ram 4cpu support droplets. Peace
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03.01.2019 - 01:58
yes more needs to be done here, there should be an app or something, or an official mobile version of this website. More people might be attracted to the game if it was possible to make it into a mobile-friendly app and advertise it.
---- Happiness = reality - expectations
03.01.2019 - 02:00
Whatever. My stats may be wrong. But that's the perceived perspective from a normal player: 1. I have never seen more than 20 games or 100 players present at the same time in the main room (whether EU time or US time or Asia time). 2. I have been an AW member since 2013. Most active members I know are 15-23. Without substantial changes to the marketing or gameplay, I doubt it would change. 3. Most active players I know quit AW for various reasons upon 23 (college/ work/ gfs etc.). It follows that most players quit AW before having purchasing power. 4. Some old players come back to chat but not to play. It may have distorted your "statistics". 5. Amok & Ivan's package comes with a "BIG" discount at all times. Still, I belive that the sales have been in concening decline since 2016. 6. It is now 2019 not 2012. Web games are about to be phased out. Not to mention that AW has been the same game since 2012 (with few changes). 7. Considering (1) and (6) and that there are more advanced funs/games in the crowded market at a more reasonable price, $35.99 a year ($71.99 without discount) is not going to work. 8. People are no longer indulged into a single game. You can't expect them to pay $35 for one game and $35 for another. Not everyone is from California. 9. I am not a stakeholder in this matter. I have had premiumship and I no longer have the time to play AW. I am speaking on behalf of the community. 10. This pricing will kill AW. While this game needs new players, a perception of pay to win will not be encouraging. 11. If I were you, I would place more ads to increase revenue instead. $35.99 a year is an ill-considered move. It is not 2012 anymore bro. You are living in the ivory tower. 12. If you are adamant about the pricing, please make sure that the marketing strategies keep up with that. You have to target 15-35 Amercians/ Western Europeans/ Eastern Asian for real. P.S. Speaking as a user, I wouldn't mind paying $35.99 a year if AW is a 3000-player community or if AW is a mobile game though.
03.01.2019 - 02:19
Thank you. ![]()
03.01.2019 - 02:23
Nothing I said in my previous reply was meant as a personal insult, so no need to feel defensive. I guess the only thing we agree on is there should be a mobile version of atWar. As for the rest, we'll just have to agree to disagree. I've got a lot of money on the line with this, so I hope I'm right. ![]()
03.01.2019 - 02:24
You have my cash if you make AW mobile ![]() There has been a game called Age of Civilization and you may want to refer to that.
03.01.2019 - 02:45
Atwar can already be somewhat played on mobile, it's just a complete nightmare with the controls.
03.01.2019 - 03:14
I keep seeing this figure of 70 usd for prem pop up and given 40 usd was too much prior I think it's a stretch too far. You risk pushing people away. Have you considered doing a touch of market research into asian markets? Maybe find out how the game could be made more appealing in that part of the world? I personally dont get why there aren't more Indian kids in here. Literally half the worlds population is on one continent... imagine charging 10usd for premium and having 10,000 new users...
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03.01.2019 - 03:31
Make one or 2 day subscription for like 1$ price. In past we had something similar, premium on 3 days which we could buy by sending sms. Make possibile that players can buy mod possition, like non prem p. b. premium. Some narbs want to be mods at any cost, so its good way to take money from them. Let ppl gamble in duels, let them set stake and play duels for pcs. Ez ways to earn money...
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