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Inlagd av Spart, 24.11.2014 - 22:37
We got no player of the month for September or October!

----> Inb4 bitch comments to my bitch thread
26.11.2014 - 10:39
Skrivet av Desu, 25.11.2014 at 12:54

Would be nice to hear suggestions of people for PotM too I suppose.

the whole point about mods being more active means that mods would be able to notice who is contributing, I myself have been extremely inactive so i have no clue who is contributing as a true player of the month, but if mods are active they should be more than capable to notice players while operating under normal moderation duties, and if its not possible to do that then I definitely support new mods
26.11.2014 - 10:40
Thats why i should be mod thanks
26.11.2014 - 10:41
Skrivet av chill, 26.11.2014 at 10:40

Thats why i should be mod thanks

26.11.2014 - 10:42
Skrivet av Your Monkey, 26.11.2014 at 10:41

Skrivet av chill, 26.11.2014 at 10:40

Thats why i should be mod thanks

im sure their is an age requirement on mods, 10+
26.11.2014 - 10:44
Skrivet av Quantum027, 26.11.2014 at 10:42

im sure their is an age requirement on mods, 10+

im 10 very soon so its ok i can be mod now
26.11.2014 - 10:48
Skrivet av chill, 26.11.2014 at 10:44

Skrivet av Quantum027, 26.11.2014 at 10:42

im sure their is an age requirement on mods, 10+

im 10 very soon so its ok i can be mod now

follow rules plz
26.11.2014 - 16:55
27.11.2014 - 11:11
Skrivet av Skanderbeg, 27.11.2014 at 10:42

I disagree. Having more moderators wont solve problems if they are similar to current moderators. atWar need 2-4 good moderators, to cover 12h a day each, or 6h each. 1 moderator online at a time is enough if he knows what he is doing and if he have rules and plan behind him to follow made by administrators.

Keep promoting friends to moderators will just make the thing worse.

I agree but the thing is who is good moderator is all just a matter of perception and opinion. I can think of you as a good moderator but the community can have very different opinions. All this makes it impossible to find a "good moderator". What we can do is define definitive rules for moderators to follow and expect that they follow them and all will be well. That probably won't work fully either because that also can become opinionated.

As far as this game is concerned I would say moderators do fairly good job when they are online. Nobody is perfect and this game is no exceptions either. If you have any issues with MODS you can always take to forums to get your point across.
27.11.2014 - 11:42
Skrivet av Skanderbeg, 27.11.2014 at 11:36

Skrivet av minusSeven, 27.11.2014 at 11:11

I agree but the thing is who is good moderator is all just a matter of perception and opinion. I can think of you as a good moderator but the community can have very different opinions. All this makes it impossible to find a "good moderator". What we can do is define definitive rules for moderators to follow and expect that they follow them and all will be well. That probably won't work fully either because that also can become opinionated.

As far as this game is concerned I would say moderators do fairly good job when they are online. Nobody is perfect and this game is no exceptions either. If you have any issues with MODS you can always take to forums to get your point across.

Well it isnt just a matter of perception and opinion, because there are things that have to be done in every job - if you fail to fullfill it in time, that mean you are bad in it. Worker in company get fired if he mess up. Same here! This is private ownership, Protobyte is private company! That mean Ivan is employer while moderators are employees.

Their[mod] job is to maintain order, keep community clean from trolls and hackers, promote the game, enforce the rules, help & advise. But they are not fullfilling their job, so thats a fact, not a matter of opinion and perception! If company is displeased, they will fire them. But the problem is employer[Ivan] made bad decision when he let moderators pick new mods as they corrupted the system and promote friends and players who dont know how to mod.

this is joke, just saying

have you heard marilyn manson new single?its awesome!
27.11.2014 - 11:53
Skrivet av Skanderbeg, 27.11.2014 at 11:36

Well it isnt just a matter of perception and opinion, because there are things that have to be done in every job - if you fail to fullfill it in time, that mean you are bad in it. Worker in company get fired if he mess up. Same here! This is private ownership, Protobyte is private company! That mean Ivan is employer while moderators are employees.

Their[mod] job is to maintain order, keep community clean from trolls and hackers, promote the game, enforce the rules, help & advise. But they are not fullfilling their job, so thats a fact, not a matter of opinion and perception! If company is displeased, they will fire them. But the problem is employer[Ivan] made bad decision when he let moderators pick new mods as they corrupted the system and promote friends and players who dont know how to mod.

this is joke, just saying

umm are moderators employees ? This is new information to me I thought they worked for free. I agree with Ivan being employee.
Well I guess in that case its the responsibility of Ivan and amok to ensure that mods do their work. I guess we can post all our grievances to them directly. So going by your analogy if any of us have problem with employees we usually go their manager to talk about it and escalate further if necessary. If even that doesn't work we go to consumer court(I have no idea what that would be in this case).

I guess we will have to do same here.
27.11.2014 - 13:50
Skrivet av Skanderbeg, 27.11.2014 at 13:19

But i chose to be a bear and pursue the truth - it feels better

27.11.2014 - 13:53
Let the mods be AFK. Although ban reasons should be explained but apart from that, let mods be afk.

27.11.2014 - 18:03
Skrivet av Skanderbeg, 27.11.2014 at 11:36

Skrivet av minusSeven, 27.11.2014 at 11:11

I agree but the thing is who is good moderator is all just a matter of perception and opinion. I can think of you as a good moderator but the community can have very different opinions. All this makes it impossible to find a "good moderator". What we can do is define definitive rules for moderators to follow and expect that they follow them and all will be well. That probably won't work fully either because that also can become opinionated.

As far as this game is concerned I would say moderators do fairly good job when they are online. Nobody is perfect and this game is no exceptions either. If you have any issues with MODS you can always take to forums to get your point across.

Well it isnt just a matter of perception and opinion, because there are things that have to be done in every job - if you fail to fullfill it in time, that mean you are bad in it. Worker in company get fired if he mess up. Same here! This is private ownership, Protobyte is private company! That mean Ivan is employer while moderators are employees.

Their[mod] job is to maintain order, keep community clean from trolls and hackers, promote the game, enforce the rules, help & advise. But they are not fullfilling their job, so thats a fact, not a matter of opinion and perception! If company is displeased, they will fire them. But the problem is employer[Ivan] made bad decision when he let moderators pick new mods as they corrupted the system and promote friends and players who dont know how to mod.

this is joke, just saying

I honestly liked this post, even if you are crazy, you are right mods arent doing their job
02.12.2014 - 19:09
Skrivet av Skanderbeg, 27.11.2014 at 11:36

Well it isnt just a matter of perception and opinion, because there are things that have to be done in every job - if you fail to fullfill it in time, that mean you are bad in it. Worker in company get fired if he mess up. Same here! This is private ownership, Protobyte is private company! That mean Ivan is employer while moderators are employees.

Please help us to create the AW-MU (atWar Mod Union), cause this labor relation you are talking about is missing a tiny little small detail: a salary!
Salary: A fundamental element in any labor agreement.
Just don't compare this with a working contract, cause it isn't. It is simple voluntary work that Ivan and Amok really appreciate and are thankful.... and we are eager to develop the best way possible.
03.12.2014 - 04:40
Skrivet av Columna Durruti, 02.12.2014 at 19:09

Skrivet av Skanderbeg, 27.11.2014 at 11:36

Well it isnt just a matter of perception and opinion, because there are things that have to be done in every job - if you fail to fullfill it in time, that mean you are bad in it. Worker in company get fired if he mess up. Same here! This is private ownership, Protobyte is private company! That mean Ivan is employer while moderators are employees.

Please help us to create the AW-MU (atWar Mod Union), cause this labor relation you are talking about is missing a tiny little small detail: a salary!
Salary: A fundamental element in any labor agreement.
Just don't compare this with a working contract, cause it isn't. It is simple voluntary work that Ivan and Amok really appreciate and are thankful.... and we are eager to develop the best way possible.

You greedy little bastard!!! :3

Skrivet av Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
03.12.2014 - 04:56
Skrivet av Columna Durruti, 02.12.2014 at 19:09

Skrivet av Skanderbeg, 27.11.2014 at 11:36

Well it isnt just a matter of perception and opinion, because there are things that have to be done in every job - if you fail to fullfill it in time, that mean you are bad in it. Worker in company get fired if he mess up. Same here! This is private ownership, Protobyte is private company! That mean Ivan is employer while moderators are employees.

Please help us to create the AW-MU (atWar Mod Union), cause this labor relation you are talking about is missing a tiny little small detail: a salary!
Salary: A fundamental element in any labor agreement.
Just don't compare this with a working contract, cause it isn't. It is simple voluntary work that Ivan and Amok really appreciate and are thankful.... and we are eager to develop the best way possible.

Yes, I want a 100% pay increase from $0 to $000. I want to be making that 3 digits. But in all honesty, we love the game, and want to see the community in a better place.
03.12.2014 - 05:11
Skrivet av Cthulhu, 03.12.2014 at 04:56

Power... yes... POWER! Muahahaa!
<insert some ridiculous arguments about why I should be a mod here>
03.12.2014 - 05:50
I shall represent Mod's and their demands and wishes! I will start the Mod's trade union as they are workers and they demand some minimum conditions! They shall go on strike until they get what they want!
Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you.
We're all people.

03.12.2014 - 06:40
Skrivet av RaulPB, 03.12.2014 at 05:50

I shall represent Mod's and their demands and wishes! I will start the Mod's trade union as they are workers and they demand some minimum conditions! They shall go on strike until they get what they want!

03.12.2014 - 06:44
Skrivet av Columna Durruti, 03.12.2014 at 06:40

Skrivet av RaulPB, 03.12.2014 at 05:50

I shall represent Mod's and their demands and wishes! I will start the Mod's trade union as they are workers and they demand some minimum conditions! They shall go on strike until they get what they want!

OMFG! I designate Lord CD as mod's official designer!!

Nice strike poster!
Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you.
We're all people.

03.12.2014 - 07:05
Skrivet av Columna Durruti, 03.12.2014 at 06:40


Oh. So this is where you got your avatar...
I was wondering what crazy artist designs a black-and-white drawing of a cat with "strike" written across it.
03.12.2014 - 09:30
Skrivet av Skanderbeg, 03.12.2014 at 07:33

Skrivet av Columna Durruti, 02.12.2014 at 19:09

Please help us to create the AW-MU (atWar Mod Union), cause this labor relation you are talking about is missing a tiny little small detail: a salary!
Salary: A fundamental element in any labor agreement.
Just don't compare this with a working contract, cause it isn't. It is simple voluntary work that Ivan and Amok really appreciate and are thankful.... and we are eager to develop the best way possible.

Ever heard of non-profit organization or non-profit company?
Admin asked you to be mod, you have free will to decide, no one punched you on the ears to accept mod job.
Because it is voluntary work doesnt mean you have to be shit in it. It still means you have to do your best, behave your best and be polite.
Being volunteer doesnt give you the right to do whatever you want/behave how you like.

Do not misuse words and work in the future.
Volunteering isnt excuse for job not done.
If you're not satisfied with your current position, you are free to talk to the admin, ask him for salary or better working conditions or to assign you more authority. He will either accept your terms, deny or fire you.
World is black and white, do not complicate it for your own selfish goals.

You my sir. Deserve a nobel prize!

Being straight forward!

Also Columna is doing a pretty good job as mod in my eyes.
I think Columna was being a bit sarcastic!

Skrivet av Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
03.12.2014 - 09:35
Skrivet av Waffel, 03.12.2014 at 09:30

You my sir. Deserve a nobel price!


Skrivet av Waffel, 03.12.2014 at 09:30

Also Columna is doing a pretty good job as mod in my eyes.

03.12.2014 - 10:00
Skrivet av Waffel, 03.12.2014 at 09:30

Skrivet av Skanderbeg, 03.12.2014 at 07:33

Skrivet av Columna Durruti, 02.12.2014 at 19:09

You my sir. Deserve a nobel price! Waffel English>Clovis English

Being straight forward!

Also Columna is doing a pretty good job as mod in my eyes.
I think Columna was being a bit sarcastic! Columna is an anarchist! He cannot be trusted! He is trying to take the system down from the inside!!!
"In atWar you either die a hero or live long enough to ally fag and gang bang some poor bastards."

"In this game, everyone is hated."
03.12.2014 - 10:40
Skrivet av Spart, 03.12.2014 at 10:00

Columna is an anarchist! He cannot be trusted! He is trying to take the system down from the inside!!!

Omg, someone call the authorities! He must be stopped! He's gonna kill AW's king!
Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you.
We're all people.

03.12.2014 - 13:02
Skrivet av Spart, 03.12.2014 at 10:00

Skrivet av Waffel, 03.12.2014 at 09:30

Skrivet av Skanderbeg, 03.12.2014 at 07:33

Skrivet av Columna Durruti, 02.12.2014 at 19:09

You my sir. Deserve a nobel price! Waffel English>Clovis English

Being straight forward!

Also Columna is doing a pretty good job as mod in my eyes.
I think Columna was being a bit sarcastic! Columna is an anarchist! He cannot be trusted! He is trying to take the system down from the inside!!!

I said this in a hurry >_< fml. fml. fml. fml.

Skrivet av Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
03.12.2014 - 16:44
Skrivet av Skanderbeg, 03.12.2014 at 07:33

Ever heard of non-profit organization or non-profit company?
Admin asked you to be mod, you have free will to decide, no one punched you on the ears to accept mod job.
Because it is voluntary work doesnt mean you have to be shit in it. It still means you have to do your best, behave your best and be polite.
Being volunteer doesnt give you the right to do whatever you want/behave how you like.

Do not misuse words and work in the future.
Volunteering isnt excuse for job not done.
If you're not satisfied with your current position, you are free to talk to the admin, ask him for salary or better working conditions or to assign you more authority. He will either accept your terms, deny or fire you.
World is black and white, do not complicate it for your own selfish goals.

I do more voluntary work than you can imagine, so don't speak as if you know me.
Do you think I'm shit doing my modding activities? If yes, please let me know what I shall improve... and please don't ask personal favors, just things that benefit the community.
I never said that I do not want to do this voluntary work, just refuse what you have said about employer-employee-relation between ProtoBytes and the Mod team; cause it isn't.
No salary required, I'm fortunate to have other jobs and this is for fun.
World is definitely not black 'n' white... it has, at least, some shades of gray... as you might have imagined. Actually, my world is full of colors.
03.12.2014 - 16:55
Can't you guys just feel the love??
Group hug!
Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you.
We're all people.

03.12.2014 - 17:49
Skrivet av Skanderbeg, 03.12.2014 at 07:33

Skrivet av Columna Durruti, 02.12.2014 at 19:09

Please help us to create the AW-MU (atWar Mod Union), cause this labor relation you are talking about is missing a tiny little small detail: a salary!
Salary: A fundamental element in any labor agreement.
Just don't compare this with a working contract, cause it isn't. It is simple voluntary work that Ivan and Amok really appreciate and are thankful.... and we are eager to develop the best way possible.

Ever heard of non-profit organization or non-profit company?
Admin asked you to be mod, you have free will to decide, no one punched you on the ears to accept mod job.
Because it is voluntary work doesnt mean you have to be shit in it. It still means you have to do your best, behave your best and be polite.
Being volunteer doesnt give you the right to do whatever you want/behave how you like.

Do not misuse words and work in the future.
Volunteering isnt excuse for job not done.
If you're not satisfied with your current position, you are free to talk to the admin, ask him for salary or better working conditions or to assign you more authority. He will either accept your terms, deny or fire you.
World is black and white, do not complicate it for your own selfish goals.

you cant judge and evaluate a mods job..And whatever you say, it is, actually, voluntary and you cant ignore that.You can judge abusive behaviour,unfair punishments and abuse of power in general but you cannot judge what they do for the community, lol.Also nothing is black and white.Grow up Tito..
03.12.2014 - 18:05
Skrivet av Columna Durruti, 03.12.2014 at 16:44

Actually, my world is full of colors.

i think we live in the same world

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