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02.12.2020 - 01:12
We worked very hard for 3rd place fighting against cheating clans and almighty enigma. Give us some recognition somebody

Congrats to Enigma for 1st place and actively playing against any clan regardless of their elo!
Congrats to Ship of Theseus for cheating in clan wars and camping for a month!
Congrats to Noobs for going from 900 elo almost last place to 3rd place! Woohoo!

Good season everyone! Was fun playing! Thanks to the clans Enigma, Hellenism, Tigers, Suicidal Cookies for an up and down season! See you all back in the Clan war lobby!

02.12.2020 - 05:40

Skrivet av Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
02.12.2020 - 06:23

Since mods didn't give me an option to publicly apologize i will do it here.

As many of you may know my player named Same got caught cheating in several games, including 2 cws(vs mk and enigma so mecum don't worry noone need to cheat to win you.) Those 2 cws were deleted and mods decided to ban Same for 7 days because the volume of cheating was low. 2 cws out of 110. Me after talking to my players sent an ultimatum to mods with several demands including our disqualification which was rejected. We stopped competing for the season. Even if this ban thing didn't happen we would still not compete for first place because it wouldn't be fair a clan like Enigma who played double our cws played anyone any time to lose this season. They deserved it. They just were the better team didn't dodge or camp anyone... infact when they were like 1170 they were beging for cw.

Also about camping I won't even comment.

Clowns gonna clown.

Congrats to everyone who participated.
02.12.2020 - 06:26
Skrivet av JUGERS2, 02.12.2020 at 06:23

so mecum don't worry noone need to cheat to win you.

02.12.2020 - 08:37
After accusations from above, I feel responsible to confirm Jugers's words and place a feedback from Staff's side.

Same did use hacks in certain games, 2 of them are CWs (against Enigma and Mortal Kombat).
Both CWs got deleted immediately and Same got punished.
In the meantime, we have recieved a message (pretty ultimatum one) from Jugers. Although neither him, neither any of his clanmates certainly didn't know that Same used hacks, he demanded from Staff to remove all Ship of Theseus Elo and to punish him as clan leader as well, because he felt responsible for what happened, independently of the fact that he didn't know for Same's wrongdoings.
Staff took his message seriously and discussed about it. Final, one-sided decision was that neither Jugers as individual, neither Ship of Theseus will be punished in any way. It would seem more like sado-mazo sacrifice, than justification of Same's wrongdoings.

If any of you goes to compare this case with any of prevouis ones where clans or clan leaders got punished, remember that neither Jugers, neither his clan ever defended Same and tried to throw community and Staff into fallacy, but on the contrary. They were ready to face the consequences. They've shown high morale and it was unnecessarily to place any kind of action against anyone else, but Same.

Not competing until the season end was their own decision obviously made from fairness to other clans, not to camp or anything similar as I already proven you above.

Also, congratulations to everyone who competed, especially top 3 ranked clans. Well deserved by all of them. Let's not forget the least ranked coalitions who deserve some credits as well, independently of score: Suicidal Cookies, Hellenism and Tigers, who competed, shown high activity and played some real good matches with introcuding new players into competitive scene. Well played.

02.12.2020 - 09:09
So this is less a congratulation post and more and more of you stroking your ego and making excuses why you didn't progress further in the season?
Lest we forget
Moja Bosna Ponosna
02.12.2020 - 10:43
Skrivet av Augustus Caesar, 02.12.2020 at 09:09

So this is less a congratulation post and more and more of you stroking your ego and making excuses why you didn't progress further in the season?


This is basically an attempt of creating drama/flame, since its practically a tradition to create atleast one drama/flame thread at the end of every season.

I've gotta say, with the events of last season, I would've expected more of you guys. I am a bit dissapointed..

Skrivet av Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
02.12.2020 - 11:31
02.12.2020 - 11:52
Congrats every1 well deserved season!

02.12.2020 - 12:15
Big iq Enigma killed Cynical and took Froyer and Lulu.

02.12.2020 - 12:18
02.12.2020 - 12:21
Congrats to mirage for their 3rd place trophy
02.12.2020 - 13:41
Skrivet av JUGERS2, 02.12.2020 at 06:23


Since mods didn't give me an option to publicly apologize i will do it here.

As many of you may know my player named Same got caught cheating in several games, including 2 cws(vs mk and enigma so mecum don't worry noone need to cheat to win you.) Those 2 cws were deleted and mods decided to ban Same for 7 days because the volume of cheating was low. 2 cws out of 110. Me after talking to my players sent an ultimatum to mods with several demands including our disqualification which was rejected.

Dude it doesn't matter if he used it only 2 games, cheating is cheating, doesn't matter what volume. Pulling out the 'he did it only 2 games out of 110' is just a dumb excuse, if he wasn't caught he would've used it way more. The Coalition should've been disqualified for the season after a member who was cheating in clan wars got caught. (Epic Clan was disqualified just for leaving a CW turn 2).

02.12.2020 - 13:44
Skrivet av Karlo18, 02.12.2020 at 13:41

Skrivet av JUGERS2, 02.12.2020 at 06:23


Since mods didn't give me an option to publicly apologize i will do it here.

As many of you may know my player named Same got caught cheating in several games, including 2 cws(vs mk and enigma so mecum don't worry noone need to cheat to win you.) Those 2 cws were deleted and mods decided to ban Same for 7 days because the volume of cheating was low. 2 cws out of 110. Me after talking to my players sent an ultimatum to mods with several demands including our disqualification which was rejected.

Dude it doesn't matter if he used it only 2 games, cheating is cheating, doesn't matter what volume. Pulling out the 'he did it only 2 games out of 110' is just a dumb excuse, if he wasn't caught he would've used it way more. The Coalition should've been disqualified for the season after a member who was cheating in clan wars got caught. (Epic Clan was disqualified just for leaving a CW turn 2).

Read it again.
02.12.2020 - 13:46
Skrivet av JUGERS2, 02.12.2020 at 13:44

Skrivet av Karlo18, 02.12.2020 at 13:41

Skrivet av JUGERS2, 02.12.2020 at 06:23


Since mods didn't give me an option to publicly apologize i will do it here.

As many of you may know my player named Same got caught cheating in several games, including 2 cws(vs mk and enigma so mecum don't worry noone need to cheat to win you.) Those 2 cws were deleted and mods decided to ban Same for 7 days because the volume of cheating was low. 2 cws out of 110. Me after talking to my players sent an ultimatum to mods with several demands including our disqualification which was rejected.

Dude it doesn't matter if he used it only 2 games, cheating is cheating, doesn't matter what volume. Pulling out the 'he did it only 2 games out of 110' is just a dumb excuse, if he wasn't caught he would've used it way more. The Coalition should've been disqualified for the season after a member who was cheating in clan wars got caught. (Epic Clan was disqualified just for leaving a CW turn 2).

Read it again.

I did, I am just saying that you guys should've been disqualified after what same had done.

02.12.2020 - 13:47
Damn when did the 990 elo clan get 3rd place?
Orcs are a horde, much like Turks. Elves and Men are light skinned, Orcs are often darker/sallow skinned, like Turks.

Istanbul?Thats not how you pronounce Constantinople
02.12.2020 - 13:50
Skrivet av Waffel, 02.12.2020 at 10:43

Skrivet av Augustus Caesar, 02.12.2020 at 09:09

This is basically an attempt of creating drama/flame, since its practically a tradition to create atleast one drama/flame thread at the end of every season.

Haha this is so true. Normally it's always MK versus Illy creating flame threads lol
02.12.2020 - 13:50
Skrivet av Karlo18, 02.12.2020 at 13:46

Skrivet av JUGERS2, 02.12.2020 at 13:44

Skrivet av Karlo18, 02.12.2020 at 13:41

Skrivet av JUGERS2, 02.12.2020 at 06:23


Since mods didn't give me an option to publicly apologize i will do it here.

As many of you may know my player named Same got caught cheating in several games, including 2 cws(vs mk and enigma so mecum don't worry noone need to cheat to win you.) Those 2 cws were deleted and mods decided to ban Same for 7 days because the volume of cheating was low. 2 cws out of 110. Me after talking to my players sent an ultimatum to mods with several demands including our disqualification which was rejected.

Dude it doesn't matter if he used it only 2 games, cheating is cheating, doesn't matter what volume. Pulling out the 'he did it only 2 games out of 110' is just a dumb excuse, if he wasn't caught he would've used it way more. The Coalition should've been disqualified for the season after a member who was cheating in clan wars got caught. (Epic Clan was disqualified just for leaving a CW turn 2).

Read it again.

I did, I am just saying that you guys should've been disqualified after what same had done.

Neither i nor you decide for those things. Mods and the game owner decided so i dont see why you quonte me.
02.12.2020 - 20:09
 Dave (Admin)
I find it strange that after we let Same off pretty easy with just a 7-day ban, he appears to have ragequit. I mean, I haven't talked to him, so maybe I'm wrong, but he did change his name to "Same_deleted" and he's been offline for 14 days.

Why is it when people are in the wrong, and get caught, they get so angry about it? Like it's somehow our fault he was cheating?
All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer,
but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.
--Sun Tzu

02.12.2020 - 20:36
Skrivet av Dave, 02.12.2020 at 20:09

Ban Froyer again
Give him a 5 year ban pls
02.12.2020 - 21:04
Skrivet av Dave, 02.12.2020 at 20:09

I find it strange that after we let Same off pretty easy with just a 7-day ban, he appears to have ragequit. I mean, I haven't talked to him, so maybe I'm wrong, but he did change his name to "Same_deleted" and he's been offline for 14 days.

Why is it when people are in the wrong, and get caught, they get so angry about it? Like it's somehow our fault he was cheating?

I don't want to speak for him but as far as I know, he is not angry
03.12.2020 - 03:56
Skrivet av Dave, 02.12.2020 at 20:09

I find it strange that after we let Same off pretty easy with just a 7-day ban, he appears to have ragequit. I mean, I haven't talked to him, so maybe I'm wrong, but he did change his name to "Same_deleted" and he's been offline for 14 days.

Why is it when people are in the wrong, and get caught, they get so angry about it? Like it's somehow our fault he was cheating?

I don't think he's angry, I think he's too ashamed to come back and get bullied or scared that nobody would play him again because he hacked.
I mean before that he was playing non stop I don't think he would just quit atwar after his ban except if he has problems irl.
03.12.2020 - 04:53
Skrivet av Dave, 02.12.2020 at 20:09

I find it strange that after we let Same off pretty easy with just a 7-day ban, he appears to have ragequit. I mean, I haven't talked to him, so maybe I'm wrong, but he did change his name to "Same_deleted" and he's been offline for 14 days.

Why is it when people are in the wrong, and get caught, they get so angry about it? Like it's somehow our fault he was cheating?

He is isn't angry. He is more shamed than angry. Also he would take a break no matter what for his studies at this time of year. Was something pre-planned. Expect him back to mid to end of January.
03.12.2020 - 04:59
Skrivet av JUGERS2, 03.12.2020 at 04:53

Skrivet av Dave, 02.12.2020 at 20:09

I find it strange that after we let Same off pretty easy with just a 7-day ban, he appears to have ragequit. I mean, I haven't talked to him, so maybe I'm wrong, but he did change his name to "Same_deleted" and he's been offline for 14 days.

Why is it when people are in the wrong, and get caught, they get so angry about it? Like it's somehow our fault he was cheating?

He is isn't angry. He is more shamed than angry. Also he would take a break no matter what for his studies at this time of year. Was something pre-planned. Expect him back to mid to end of January.

Lol I was right I swear im so good
03.12.2020 - 08:38
Stacked af in this era ( this clan can split into 3 smaller groups ), when rest clans are hardcore inactive + some dirty moves ( no tie, when game was even, wall-faging and similar things ).

This isnt original Enigma. Stil in the last season they were strongest clan.
03.12.2020 - 08:43
Skrivet av JUGERS2, 02.12.2020 at 06:23


They deserved it.

They deserved nothing.

Took all competetive players into one clan, so rest clans cant cw. That was their plan and they did it.


Also same-rat.

Skrivet av Waffel, 02.12.2020 at 10:43

This is basically an .,.

Stif ! Or create new Dogon AW clan.
03.12.2020 - 11:14
Skrivet av Mauzer Panteri, 03.12.2020 at 08:43

Took all competetive players into one clan, so rest clans cant cw. That was their plan and they did it.

Ironically, this ^ is said by guy who refuses to bring any new players in his clan for years, except if they put some $ on his bill

03.12.2020 - 11:26
Skrivet av Croat, 03.12.2020 at 11:14

Skrivet av Mauzer Panteri, 03.12.2020 at 08:43

Took all competetive players into one clan, so rest clans cant cw. That was their plan and they did it.

Ironically, this ^ is said by guy who refuses to bring any new players in his clan for years, except if they put some $ on his bill

hey bro mauz invited me when I was noob r9 with 1400 elo in 2018
03.12.2020 - 11:36
Skrivet av Mauzer Panteri, 03.12.2020 at 08:38

Stacked af in this era ( this clan can split into 3 smaller groups ), when rest clans are hardcore inactive + some dirty moves ( no tie, when game was even, wall-faging and similar things ).

This isnt original Enigma. Stil in the last season they were strongest clan.

Clown type of shit.. yall act like I hold players hostage or blackmail them from joining your shit clans.. nah bro maybe you shoudve realized your clans too bad now that none wants to join you, or tried to recruit the decent free agents that all been clanless for weeks.

We gave everyone a fair chance, didn't camp when we could (1200 and 1190) tied cws that were won and played 700 elo clans without any hesitation all season (even gave our low ranks a shot), yet yall still find shit to cry about. Maybe u the problem after all.. 1/10 do better mauz

03.12.2020 - 12:16
Dont be so sensitive Lao, its not personal. Ik ppls love to stack with best active players, but also truth is that Enigma is overstacked right now, compared to the other clans.

Skrivet av Croat, 03.12.2020 at 11:14

Ironically, this ^ is said by guy who refuses to bring any new players in his clan for years, except if they put some $ on his bill

K. Why dont you then create new clan and train some players.
Or Leo
Or Froyer... In long term this situation is bad.

I "produced" enough good players, so atm theres no motivation to do it with another players.
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