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Inlägg: 12   Besökt av: 43 users
15.05.2015 - 04:44
Nice new mods xaxaxa again nobody from Cosa Nostra and MK ! NIce connections and why are even inactive players like mods picking who is good for community why community isnt picking some mods what they want ? Ok lao, he deserved if nothing but who picked brianwl
Really strong connections again one inactive guy who is active only in off topci forum about never ending story, ok thanks for picking a guy who did nothing for game and there are players who are really giving their best like clovis croat el crey and even fag eagle from MK but no who needs them, who needs active players who are giving much for atwar and donating premiums cuz we have brianwl - inactive noob from off topic lol so corrupted game
Cuva BOG Srbina svog!
15.05.2015 - 04:44
Support cw?
15.05.2015 - 05:01
Generally speaking, people take you a lot more seriously if you can present your argument like a civilized person.

Please refrain from free rants. They're a nightmare to read.
15.05.2015 - 05:01
"He's the hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him. Because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A dark knight."
15.05.2015 - 05:18
Skrivet av Skanderbeg, 15.05.2015 at 05:14

Skrivet av Ferlucci1389, 15.05.2015 at 04:44

Stop spamming forum, no one cares what you think go troll and hate some other website.

Not about theme, but what an irony you are saying to someone to stop trolling and finding another website.. go steal accounts and start flames about WW2.. lit was a great period while you were banned

15.05.2015 - 05:18
Skrivet av Croat, 15.05.2015 at 05:18

Croat for moderator!
15.05.2015 - 05:21
Skrivet av International, 15.05.2015 at 05:18

Skrivet av Croat, 15.05.2015 at 05:18

Croat for moderator!


15.05.2015 - 05:35
Skrivet av Skanderbeg, 15.05.2015 at 05:26

Skrivet av Croat, 15.05.2015 at 05:18

Not about theme, but what an irony you are saying to someone to stop trolling and finding another website.. go steal accounts and start flames about WW2.. lit was a great period while you were banned

I like how you distort history and facts like you do in real life

- never stole account, i actually even helped many players get premium accounts and that from my pocket.
- never started 'flame' about WW2, but i did participated in it as half of atwar participate in debate about greatest and most deadliest conflict in history
- i was never banned, but i have real life so i dont play internet games 24/7 like you

i like your fascist avatar, nationalistic nickname and fascist signature. If thats not trolling, i dont know what it is.

> says he got real life, not 24/7 on the game like me
> spent 3 years more on this game than me

> says mine nickname is nationalistic (??), but keeps changing the names of top totalitary killers as Tito, Stalin and etc..

> says my avatar is fascist, even it has no one logo and was made by squad who made their own suggestions of soldier looks
> his avatar was 1st and 10th killers of 20th century

> says he was never banned
> he was banned about 2 weeks ago

15.05.2015 - 06:23
 brianwl (Admin)
Message me if you have a concern. ♥

15.05.2015 - 06:52
This topic seems to pop up a lot. I'm sure most of us have read this same conversation several times.

I'll just quote myself from a previous thread:
Skrivet av Desu, 28.04.2015 at 19:17

Moderators aren't just given to each clan. It doesn't work like that. It's not dolled out just because one group has a moderator, and another doesn't. It's not about the group you gather, but the individual you want as a moderator. There has to be a player that stands above in maturity, integrity, and professionalism. Pick those up and you'll get yourself moderator. Want it? Don't ask for it, demonstrate it.
15.05.2015 - 09:53
Skrivet av Ferlucci1389, 15.05.2015 at 04:44

Nice new mods xaxaxa again nobody from Cosa Nostra and MK ! NIce connections and why are even inactive players like mods picking who is good for community why community isnt picking some mods what they want ? Ok lao, he deserved if nothing but who picked brianwl
Really strong connections again one inactive guy who is active only in off topci forum about never ending story, ok thanks for picking a guy who did nothing for game and there are players who are really giving their best like clovis croat el crey and even fag eagle from MK but no who needs them, who needs active players who are giving much for atwar and donating premiums cuz we have brianwl - inactive noob from off topic lol so corrupted game

im all about competitive players being mods.

That being said, the only person from coza that could make mod is Zone. But he is not there yet. If he manages to distance himself from his clan loyalties and become unbiased, which he currently is not and starts contributing a little more, im sure he will be a great mod in the future.Better english would help Sun tsu is an almost identical situation.(great english tho) Other than that, croat is very active and helpfull, but extremely biased and vocal and trolls, opi is erm just NO, klevis no, you flame and troll so no, who else is there? Being less troll and cocky as a clan and kicking panteri23, atwars worst criminal, would go a long way too, in getting one of your members to make mod.

As for Mk Mauzer never talks so no, steve no, Don is ok but nothing special to justify modship. Only Eagle has what it takes. I feel he can be a good mod, but the way i see it, he needs to make a little work to make previous grievances forgotten, so the other mods trust him. When thats achieved im pretty sure he will make a good mod.

If you think i missed out any other player that would be a good choice for mod, from Coza and Mk, let me know.
15.05.2015 - 10:38
Skrivet av Mahdi, 23.11.2013 at 20:30

I don't consider the phrase "massive fag" to be an insult. Mods did.

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