Skrivet av Ghost-IV, 27.05.2015 at 14:32
And I will but I need Croat to explain to me the whole story and to give me details but it's best not be done on forums. That is my point.
a lil late?
intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result
Skrivet av Sun Tsu, 27.05.2015 at 14:34
Skrivet av Ghost-IV, 27.05.2015 at 14:32
And I will but I need Croat to explain to me the whole story and to give me details but it's best not be done on forums. That is my point.
a lil late?
It's not too late, Meester even supported my idea.
I'll haunt you, Don't tempt me!
I dont care about relationship with meester cuz he means nothing to me same as i mean to him.
I will make drama as much as i want until they change the way of their 'quality and mature' work and stop banning with NO reason or even threat all players same.
I am calling Meester to be one day more on forums and check all the real insults. NO ONE is banned.
That retarded Japanese head system... (would I get ban for this too?)
Ohh what a hard strong giant huge insult for Japan as country and Japanese people. Omggggg, that is big harrashment, offence, rape, slaughter, word murder, oh you croat, how can you  ...
How Can There Be So Much Salt Over A ONE Day Forum Ban?
How Can There Be So Much Salt Over A ONE Day Forum Ban? 
I do not care is that one or 31.
Unbased respression on me is on the top bc of someones frustrations
Skrivet av Ace, 27.05.2015 at 15:18
How Can There Be So Much Salt Over A ONE Day Forum Ban? 
I do not care is that one or 31.
Unbased respression on me is on the top bc of someones frustrations
But I Read What You Said, It Was Obviously Intended To Provoke A Response
Skrivet av Ace, 27.05.2015 at 15:18
How Can There Be So Much Salt Over A ONE Day Forum Ban? 
I do not care is that one or 31.
Unbased respression on me is on the top bc of someones frustrations
Ayy you fucking big huge baby. Get off the fucking computer and go back to sucking your mom's tits little kid. You have done enough crying for the day.
Croat plz stop it...
Let it go...
Ayy you fucking big huge baby. Get off the fucking computer and go back to sucking your mom's tits little kid. You have done enough crying for the day.
This is last time you gave yourself that much space for mentioning someone of my family, k?
Remove your fucking self from my thread and stop having a need to comment something where your little dick doesnt belong
Hey you got unbanned
good for you
Skrivet av Ghost-IV, 27.05.2015 at 14:34
Skrivet av Sun Tsu, 27.05.2015 at 14:34
Skrivet av Ghost-IV, 27.05.2015 at 14:32
And I will but I need Croat to explain to me the whole story and to give me details but it's best not be done on forums. That is my point.
a lil late?
It's not too late, Meester even supported my idea.
I dont mean for this to be offensive, but thats like an unkown 6 year old trying to resolve something he knows nothing about or either players.
intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result
Skrivet av Croat, 28.05.2015 at 03:31
Ayy you fucking big huge baby. Get off the fucking computer and go back to sucking your mom's tits little kid. You have done enough crying for the day.
This is last time you gave yourself that much space for mentioning someone of my family, k?
Remove your fucking self from my thread and stop having a need to comment something where your little dick doesnt belong
Wow, a threat to Skittzophrenic...
Wow, a genious..
intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result
Skrivet av Croat, 28.05.2015 at 03:31
Where your little dick doesnt belong
Does that mean only big dicks belong in this thread? Makes sense considering those who have posted here so far.
Skrivet av Croat, 28.05.2015 at 03:31
Where your little dick doesnt belong
Does that mean only big dicks belong in this thread? Makes sense considering those who have posted here so far.
Skrivet av Croat, 28.05.2015 at 03:31
Where your little dick doesnt belong
Does that mean only big dicks belong in this thread? Makes sense considering those who have posted here so far. 
No. Means he is putting his little dick in too deep holes
Now find out what metaphor means
Skrivet av Croat, 28.05.2015 at 03:31
Ayy you fucking big huge baby. Get off the fucking computer and go back to sucking your mom's tits little kid. You have done enough crying for the day.
This is last time you gave yourself that much space for mentioning someone of my family, k?
Remove your fucking self from my thread and stop having a need to comment something where your little dick doesnt belong
Skrivet av Croat, 28.05.2015 at 10:16
Skrivet av Croat, 28.05.2015 at 03:31
Where your little dick doesnt belong
Does that mean only big dicks belong in this thread? Makes sense considering those who have posted here so far. 
No. Means he is putting his little dick in too deep holes
Now find out what metaphor means
Also, don't be so mad bro, you got your gay ass account back. What more do you want? To be a moderator for once in your pathetic life?
Remove Croat. I never forget when that guy wf me...a lot of time ago.
Remove Croat. I never forget when that guy wf me...a lot of time ago.
Sorry, I never played RPs and SAPIENs