24.10.2021 - 14:01
Today, Evolve played multiple cws, however, their most prominent games were two cws against Paradox and ENIGMA. This post delves into certain unwritten rules, which are mostly seen as respectful plays rather than something that's enforced. There are certain rules of respect that we as competitive players just do, not because it's something that you MUST do, rather it's something that's assumed to be accepted by both sides. I don't have screenshots of either event, but it was spectated by multiple players, so ask around if you want evidence haha. So to summarise, the first time, Evolve played Paradox, the game looked over for Evolve. So the only surviving Evolve clan member, Summa Cum Laude said "gg". Now the reason I emphasized unwritten rules here is things like this that happen in-game. Usually when a player says 'gg', it's ASSUMED that he thinks the game is over and has surrendered. Emphasis on UNWRITTEN, you can argue that it was the other player's fault to assume that Summa has surrendered and should've instead played on. Well maybe that's true, maybe it's the other player's fault, and that's precisely why I write this post on forums. Ambiguity is a b!tch, and leads to forgettable experiences like what happened to Pheno yesterday, where Summa said 'gg' and Pheno assumed that it was over and didn't defend his cap. Rather Summa took advantage of that and decided to cap Pheno that turn and went on to win the game. It's little disrespectful plays like this which can really turn a game around. A similar incident happened for me whilst playing Evolve. This time Johnny wf'd my big wall by placing a unit near Gomel and then proceeded to rush me t2. Again, I do not assume innocence in this case or play the victim. I alongside every single competitive player must be prepared to face such slight game-changing 'unorthodox' plays. I do not condemn Evolve as a whole, but we can all agree that some players within Evolve, and players in general play disrespectfully, for which I'm writing this topic. I believe a stricter code of conduct would help set a better competitive environment for all players. A level of repercussion and a level of enforcement would help improve the CW scenario that's bereft of a stronger code of conduct.
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24.10.2021 - 14:38
Idk what are you crying about, the similar incident has happened so many time that you are relating to me, upon saying the opponent has made aggressive wall I've seen Froyer capping enemy t2 as well as Kaska taking hamburg turn 2. where were you at that time ? where was your post ? infact you are supporter and were trash talking to me where even I appologised to you what happened if it hurted you so badly tho it's your fault not mine and we asked to delete the cw, so would you not make a thread for yourself also where you as a supporter trash talks and your partner Eagles pms and says bad words like fags ? first of all learn to wall in your land not outside your land t1, ofc no one has to respect something like that.
24.10.2021 - 15:08
First incident is stupid. Falling for the gg trick is amateur mistake, infact only retards do it, its one of the most toxic things to do, to say gg and not leave. Always play till enemy actuall leaves and dont focus on chat. As for second Johnny did something very bad. Thats ok he is r9 accepted mistake, he should apologize as he did. But take emphasis at his post, there lays the problem. When people who are part of staff(mods supporters meta team) do that and even some braindead people support its legit, thats the actual problem. Johnny thought x mod does this all the time so i will do it, since he is mod its something ok, hell he is even getting others players experience better! ( because thats whats staff is supposed to do). Awarding people with this behavior will lead to this action. AtWar 2021 comp sadly has no honour rules, those unwritten ones you refer. Shortly, dont act shook when people do those, because its you who gave them the green light ( or sometimes blue) to do so.
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24.10.2021 - 15:18
I've never did that in a cw, in a duel agaisnt tengri yeah but that was 1 year ago maybe more, last time I've seen this was huarck not respecting my bigwall, he still lost that game cuz evolve sucks.
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24.10.2021 - 15:18
Johnny aint done do nothin wrong
---- Happiness = reality - expectations
24.10.2021 - 15:28
you are so wrong you did it against Lion Sin Esconar and Samet and I was eye witness so don't lie.
24.10.2021 - 15:34
In a cw?? I never do weird moves in cws unless its agaisnt dirty players. If it was a duel, yeah maybe I do some dirty moves in duel. I remember about same but it was weird since I wfed the innerwall t2 outsidee the bigwall After wfing t1 with belarus at
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24.10.2021 - 18:12
Lets play a game .. which mod/admin is gonna lock this thread? and how soon? ![]() winner gets 100 pc from me
---- Meso ![]() ![]()
24.10.2021 - 18:31
0, never
---- hi
24.10.2021 - 18:50
There was a time when we moderated clan wars like this but it became too much of a headache and hassle. Everything is grey and hard to moderate or know who's telling the truth. If anything I'm for pulling back moderation in Duels / CWs.
24.10.2021 - 23:12
I understand moderators not wanting to deal with this shit,neither do i want them to spend their time looking after every cw I dont even want the elo back, me and froyer know we won that cw, and ill cw summa(dj) and huarck again, but its just that ill be doubtful of whatever they say,and maybe have a little less respect for the both of them, regardless of who asked who to continue,who said gg,who didnt say they were continuing etc Also,this wasnt me being an amateur,this was me just having some standards and trusting the people whom im playing against because i know them ( and dj usually is respectful in this regard)
25.10.2021 - 00:03
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25.10.2021 - 15:14
Oh cmon we all know the only people that say gg and don't leave are domi and bella
---- [pr] ●HellRaiserX666X: ever try beating your meat with sand paper?
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