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Inlägg: 8   Besökt av: 61 users
20.10.2023 - 18:32
WHY DO THEY EXIST. they suck so much. they take so long and get mad boring. A MASSIVE MAP with like four players max. its all i ever see. just four fools twiddling their thumbs in a 19032 turn game. IS YOU SERIOUS BRUH! it just turns into a massive cesspit of inf spam and just idiocy in general. I AINT GOT TIMMEEE to be micromanaging my eightieth 1023 inf stack. or budling my fiftieth fortification. god. i will deilver righteous punishment to the next 50k i join. (I will join and play)
21.10.2023 - 05:56
This is why you play blitz or mos and win before t15
21.10.2023 - 06:38
Skrivet av smegma lover, 21.10.2023 at 05:56

This is why you play blitz or mos and win before t15

This is true

TJM !!!
22.10.2023 - 18:22
I like micromanaging everything which is why I enjoy world games on casual. And while I don't like 50k start, even on 5k start by turn 30 or so you might as well be on 50k.
The bitterest truth is sometimes better than the sweetest lie - Griffin, MIB III
22.10.2023 - 19:04
World 50k is for chads.. 5k is for pussies.
23.10.2023 - 21:03
Skrivet av Red.Army, 22.10.2023 at 19:04

World 50k is for chads.. 5k is for pussies.

Get that bloody premium already

17.11.2023 - 17:49
Skrivet av GAbe the BABe, 20.10.2023 at 18:32

WHY DO THEY EXIST. they suck so much. they take so long and get mad boring. A MASSIVE MAP with like four players max. its all i ever see. just four fools twiddling their thumbs in a 19032 turn game. IS YOU SERIOUS BRUH! it just turns into a massive cesspit of inf spam and just idiocy in general. I AINT GOT TIMMEEE to be micromanaging my eightieth 1023 inf stack. or budling my fiftieth fortification. god. i will deilver righteous punishment to the next 50k i join. (I will join and play)

Hilarious. You complain and then finish with "I will join" hahahaha
18.11.2023 - 21:57
Message deleted by Witch-Doctor. Reason: Unrelated

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