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Should map review be required before publishing the map


Antal röster: 23
31.03.2016 - 08:21
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To stop the bloat of new applications on iStore, Apple made staff review required for every application years ago. I think we need the same here, on AtWar.

Basically, every map has to be reviewed by the moderator team before being published. You can make private maps and stuff but they can't be made public before they are approved by mods.

- RP, SP farms with events and other maps with unreal units, income and cities would be removed before being published
- SP multiplier can be easily reduced to the number it should be on
- mapmakers will hear the opinion of moderators before publishing the map

- more work for mapmakers and moderators
- slower development of maps

This isn't a complete idea, but I think it really should be implemented if community supports it.
31.03.2016 - 08:58
Its a good idea yes and would filter bad maps(well we wont be removing rps just because theyre rps ), but i think the mapmaker itself is the priority atm.
31.03.2016 - 08:59
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Skrivet av Permamuted, 31.03.2016 at 08:58

Its a good idea yes and would filter bad maps(well we wont be removing rps just because theyre rps ), but i think the mapmaker itself is the priority atm.

I didn't mean all RPs, just the most shitty ones like Modern Era RP, Mafia RP and similar. Either put them on 0% SP multiplier or remove them, there's no other real way to go.
31.03.2016 - 09:07
Skrivet av Guest, 31.03.2016 at 08:21


Good idea! This way first time map makers (like me) can get useful tips about their borders and income/reinf balance. Support
However, (and this question is to the mods), will you have time to sort through all the maps that have been, are being, and will be, made to remove the ones which fail the criteria AND reply to queries asking why, and for, tips?
Maybe those players who are experienced in map making (not just mods) can be appointed as map reviewers....a new position? Supporters, Map-reviewers/validators, Mods...?
It's a proposal and I'm aware it's asking for a drastic change, but it's not going to affect gameplay. If you think it's stupid, please tell why so, and not just say: you're a rank 5 noob what do you know?

EDIT: And what's with the thread topic?

31.03.2016 - 14:30
Players pay for map editor, let them have a break and enjoy making maps. Also who is to stop them from simple copy and pasting an essay into there about eye brows? Will mods be reading every review - will players be banned for entering to many reviews as spam. If so we enter into a conflict of players paying for map editor but being banned from it. Too many things to think about. What if a player enters a review in a foreign language like Hindi, Mandarin, German? Now not only do mods have to learn these languages, do massive google translations, or get new mods for just this, they also have to make sure that the moderator that knows the language is on at that exact time. What if a situation like Brianwl happens where there is a period of inactivity and the German mod(s) are off for ______ reason?

Too many problems which this idea, sorry for ripping it apart. Main reason I did this is cause players have waited too long for map editor, and having this in the game only helps to destroy the map making scene all together.
Be Humble
31.03.2016 - 14:42
Someone Better Than You
31.03.2016 - 14:54
This is kind of taking away the point of map making, or even paying premium for it. Why should a mod (a player like you and me, who just got lucky to become mod) have more powers like this and should decide if your map can make it or break it? I mean as we all know all people differ and also have differnt thoughts, if the map maker wants to make a ww2 theme(ish) map and a moderator (maybe from jewish religion, or not) thinks the map has any kind of racism and does not deserve to be published it simply ruins all the hard work of people making that map. And we all say now ''mods arent bias and they wont back eachother up'' but history has shown and is still repeating itself where mods and the ''supporters'' get supported by eachother direcly or indirectly, fact is that it is happening..

Skrivet av Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
01.04.2016 - 01:05
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Skrivet av Waffel, 31.03.2016 at 14:54

3 mods review it then. 2 out of 3 decide.

Skrivet av Darkmace, 31.03.2016 at 14:30

No. New mapmakers would get instant suggestion on how to improve their map and SP farms would get removed as soon as possible. Nobody cares if you said "Go fuck yourself" on Turkish until somebody who is Turkish reports it. We don't need mods for that, community is enough.
01.04.2016 - 05:29
Ummm, no. People pay premium to make the maps they want; they should not have to have it examined by the moderation team. It will be excruciatingly bias because I don't see how there can be a set of standards to play out across all maps. Now clearly you're anti RP which is perfectly fine, but the root of the hate is because you dislike maps being created that have a high sp putout. Perhaps there can be a button in the settings of a game where if you hit it, a message is sent to the moderation team to further examine the map. To stop spamming, once a message has been sent out, no new messages can be sent out. So if a second player presses this button, a message will appear saying "A message has already been sent to the mods." In addition, mods can close out maps and prevent messages from being sent from them if they have already reviewed a map.

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