29.09.2018 - 01:41
This gave me an idea that id like to share and get an opinion. Unless you are competitive or plan to be, this thread shouldnt concern you. If all competitive clans pick 1 representator with ideas how to balance every strat for competitive purposes, we can create an europe+ clone with the balanved unit types. We can all decide what would be best and we can cw on that eu+ "competitive scenario". After all reps are picked, they can all sit and discuss them further. Therefor everyone is happy and it might actually bring a change to competitiveness I think it might be better than just making threads and waiting for admins to apply changes. Thoughts?
29.09.2018 - 09:26
The problem with this is that you cant edit strategies directly. You have to attempt to indirectly nerf/boost them and that limits what you can do. There's also no guarantee that everyone will agree with or even play the new map with the changes. I would've tried this before if I thought it could work.
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29.09.2018 - 10:17
Cthulhu had a really nice competitive map. When he was in evoL we actually CWed Mortal Kombat on it years ago. Not sure what it's called but you can go to his account and find it that way I think.
---- It's not the end. ![]()
29.09.2018 - 13:10
the great competition
---- Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
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