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15.11.2017 - 23:38

Before I enter this discussion, I understand the moderators reading this might feel compelled to abuse their power and delete this post. I only ask that you, the moderators, review this proposal based on its true objectives and merit.

Historically, moderators have had a bad reputation with the AtWar community. Although many claim to be simply "doing their job," many engage in corrupt activities that jeopardize the innocence of countless players. Such crimes against the people have been prevalent since I first joined AtWar, and long before that as several people can testify. The changes I am to propose might just stop the massive exodus of players we've seen these past few months, and perhaps make AtWar a safer, greater, and more enjoyable place to be once again.

What must change:

- The position of "moderator" must be completely abolished and replaced by the position of "user."

- Freedom of speech must be granted to all channels, this right must not be impeded.

- Issues moderators might have previously dealt with, such as SP farming, etc., must be prevented not by the strict rule of a person, but by the implementation of tools that would prevent such actions beforehand.

In a conventional discussion, I would address a counter-argument. However, there is no counter-argument here, not one worth addressing, at least. There is simply no logic in retaining the position of moderator.

Countlessly, moderators have been seen muting people seemingly arbitrarily. When they do, often times their justification has no grounds and is simply fluff. These evil acts against the people have amplified the distaste, the contempt and pure hatred the community feels. In effect, the people are leaving in hordes, and I don't blame them! Something needs to be done, and done fast.

I care deeply about this game. I am not writing this proposal as a personal grievance against a particular moderator, I am writing this objectively in hopes that something will be done.

Kind regards,

16.11.2017 - 01:49
Logical counter argument:
just get over it all games are like this man no need to be upset about it you cannot trust anybody on this earth on your head just by seeing his behavior in public and its better to have moderators in a game then getting admins spammed with reports and when admins ignore your report against certain mods its likely because they do not want to waste their time and are telling you to just get over it because we do not care everybody does mistakes they cannot just promote anybody and remove him on the first mistake its cancer,
- Freedom of speech must be granted to all channels, this right must not be impeded.
in my opinion only pure abuse like racism that is aimed against someone should be punishable or senseless spam with double lanes text and its very rare for the mods to mute for global abuses anymore infact you have seen nothing if you haven't met desu/cthulhue/Vril who are completely senseless people when it comes for the global usage.... wtf is this muting 1month for saying join 3v3 each time global flood period finishs or muting 6month for advertising other game that had tourniment once upon a time in the competitive world and forgot how long but desu muted me once for saying join 3v3 7more or for abusing global when the server is fucked and nobody is playing to ruin their fun and everybody is trolling anyways...
you know i myself got banned for using black color ingame by lifeless people while i did report someone long for hacking(literally got 45inf + gen with pd france first turn to rome while its impossible without NC to have that much t1) against me in a clan war and not a action was taken against him even although i explained desu/trollface and showed them how did the abuser do it also there were an indian who hacked this game utterly(making capture iceland first turn duels and range hacking when he gets the bad pick/funds) and i told meester about it yet he didnt punish him or do anything about it but i guess the community have suffered for that later as the same guy made a atwar hack tool program and i guess made up more then 3k$ before the shit was fixed.. BUT JUST GET OVER IT nobody is perfect there are people perfect for the position but you wont notice them because of their behaviors you can never know what are people from the inside there are the honest people, they are very rare but exists and there are those who pretend to be honest and you cannot read their minds but even the honest people have their own views in certain situations
but infact rules say that if you breath then you are eligible for no matter how long/kind of punishment decided by the mod who first caught you and thats the introduction you have over there
Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
16.11.2017 - 02:02
After reviewing the strings of nonsense that some how constitute a "logical" counter argument, I have determined that everything you said has no meaning. I understand you are from Syria. Great place.
16.11.2017 - 02:14
Skrivet av DonaId J. Trump, 15.11.2017 at 23:38


1. Automated systems are known to be even more unreasonable than the worst moderator you could find
2. We don't even have a map editor and you want a complicated automatic banning system

16.11.2017 - 02:23
Skrivet av Guest, 16.11.2017 at 00:37

I've seen a lot of dumb shit on this game before but for fuck sakes man.... what is this -_-

This post is not suitable for someone who complains that he has been abused by some mods, who are by the way still moderators. It is not very good to express yourself as you are currently expressing, because it understates the severity of the acts. Instead of underestimating the thread you might suggest something or contribute with constructive criticism.
16.11.2017 - 02:40
Skrivet av LukeTan, 16.11.2017 at 02:14

Skrivet av DonaId J. Trump, 15.11.2017 at 23:38


1. Automated systems are known to be even more unreasonable than the worst moderator you could find
2. We don't even have a map editor and you want a complicated automatic banning system

luke just gave you the only logical counter argument here tbh
I am so much more than royal.
16.11.2017 - 03:33
Without moderators the game would go downhill
im not bothered to write an entire essay as im tired
16.11.2017 - 05:10
Skrivet av Guest, 16.11.2017 at 00:37

I've seen a lot of dumb shit on this game before but for fuck sakes man.... what is this -_-

-The problem in moderating such a toxic community is that no matter what you do there will always be others who you cannot please no matter how much you try to reason with them. For example a player named "Eph" had been constantly abusing inspect element exploits, I tried to reason with him myself but he kept lying stating he didn't know what i was talking about. Whenever he used these exploits he'd log out thinking players would forget but eventually Sid decided enough was enough when a few people reported him, Sid tried to reason with Eph but he decided to log out thinking hed get away so Sid then banned him. Since then Eph has been one of the most toxic players this game has ever seen, constantly accusing mods of abusing their powers when infact he had been reported with much evidence against him. This is just one case of an "innocent" player getting banned for something he "didn't" do right? well there are several other cases that I can list off of the top of my head that are the same sort of shit... I bet there probably are innocent players who get banned for stuff or are mistakenly banned too but i can honestly say that most people who get banned/muted defiantly deserve it.

-So if we remove moderators what happens with players who cheat, abuse others and just cause trouble? enough of them already full through the system set up to prevent this sort of a thing.

-Freedom of speech on all channels is stupid, Help is obviously there for help and not advertising... Global is clearly there for advertising games and not a casual conversation as that's what we have room chat for... so each channel clearly has an understandable purpose.

-How will we get systems to stop things like SP farming? As someone who did a bit of programming for a few years I am none the wiser to how this would work and besides we don't even have a fucking map editor yet so this fabled system wont be coming for years.

Sid had me ignored and would MUte me on game chats lobby and global for the slightest of infractions, then he would PM me , "if you tell me you wont spam again ill lesson the mute time" no way for me to respond as i was on his ignor list, now did her do that on purpose? sure he did,. he was stalking me and altering my comments in forum and even force alterd my alt accounts name. there was no swears no hateful symbols in the name, Sid messed with me for a week, i had no way of contacting him, so i muted him and he used his mod super powers to continue harass me threw my ignore button when i was not in a mood to speak with him, further aggravating me.. also my alt account had its premium removed 2 weeks after purchasing full prem, and i got a pm saying "expired" i had been having problems with sid for weeks and put 2 and 2 together. ive recently learned mods cant remove prem, so ive dropped the war vs sid, the premium expiring was my focus of anger and anyone would have been pissed off to get ripped off 30$.
ONE more thing, yes i played around with inspect element before they had that warning sign up, i used it during the week atwar was constantly crashing, no one could get a game going anyhow so id log on and mess with games, no big deal no harm done imo. i wanted to learn how to do it i was board. Sid warned me about it and i havent used it since atwar servers are good.. and Trystane you have no life it seems, nice uniformed novel, why dont you go outside and play with a ball instead? , you lack any gag reflex with mods, let them put it down your throat a little deeper. dont ever speak to me again.
Your BOOOs mean nothing to me, I've seen what makes you cheer ..
16.11.2017 - 05:11
Sid had me ignored and would MUte me on game chats lobby and global for the slightest of infractions, then he would PM me , "if you tell me you wont spam again ill lesson the mute time" no way for me to respond as i was on his ignor list, now did her do that on purpose? sure he did,. he was stalking me and altering my comments in forum and even force alterd my alt accounts name. there was no swears no hateful symbols in the name, Sid messed with me for a week, i had no way of contacting him, so i muted him and he used his mod super powers to continue harass me threw my ignore button when i was not in a mood to speak with him, further aggravating me.. also my alt account had its premium removed 2 weeks after purchasing full prem, and i got a pm saying "expired" i had been having problems with sid for weeks and put 2 and 2 together. ive recently learned mods cant remove prem, so ive dropped the war vs sid, the premium expiring was my focus of anger and anyone would have been pissed off to get ripped off 30$.
ONE more thing, yes i played around with inspect element before they had that warning sign up, i used it during the week atwar was constantly crashing, no one could get a game going anyhow so id log on and mess with games, no big deal no harm done imo. i wanted to learn how to do it i was board. Sid warned me about it and i havent used it since atwar servers are good.. and Trystane you have no life it seems, nice uniformed novel, why dont you go outside and play with a ball instead? , you lack any gag reflex with mods, let them put it down your throat a little deeper. dont ever speak to me again.
Your BOOOs mean nothing to me, I've seen what makes you cheer ..
16.11.2017 - 05:20
Sorry for my English! I do my best!
16.11.2017 - 05:23
I left because of moderator behavior, and I told everyone I was not going to be involved with this community any more without signifigant change. With that being said the Moderators are very much neccassary, what is not neccassary is there complete and utter bias, that is expressed upon each player individually. I'm not even allowed to tell people they're opinion is shit without a 15 day mute, coupled with the fact that the admins changed the rules to give them uninfringed total access to interpretation per incident and you got a very toxic system in place.

What I suggest is a system where Moderators moderate each other similarly to map appeals, where a player testify what there wronge doing is and other Moderators can investigate the player in questions behavior. That way Moderators at the very least will think twice before acting arbitrarily out of character to smite people they do not like while defending there actions with an unfettered used of interpretation, while claiming "user privacy, or against the rules" to silence there accuser. I know this will probably get locked so if it does and you like my idea feel free to continue posting about it and maybe the admins will do something about this situation. As for me I'm done here I'm not allowed to use forum any more without the fear of punishment for "being hypocriticaly mean" as I was told when I got muted 15 days.

We are not the same- I am a Martian.
16.11.2017 - 05:37
Skrivet av Guest, 16.11.2017 at 05:16

Skrivet av Eph, 16.11.2017 at 05:10

You're a lie to everyone including people who were suppose to be your friends? infact you randomly turn on me just because I'm friends with Sid. Your beef with him has nothing to do with me yet you decided to be a little immature cunt about it all and spam/harass me. You know out of the respect for who you use to be I didn't report you when you used inspect element exploits against me in a game and i actually spoke to Sid about it so he would give you a chance to not do that shit again except you did... When you were spamming Cthulhu with abuse I even chatted to him to try and ease tensions... I went out of my way for you and here you chatting complete bullshit and making false claims. I put you on my ignore list for a reason so don't start quoting me in the forums because I wont reply after this.

i turned on you Tryst because you were defending sid when i was being stalked and muted by sid or other mods, in room chat and game chat and had my account name forcefully changed while others with names like "cummdaddy" or "vaginal_secretion" where left to say anything they wanted and there names untouched,. its human nature to take a dislike to some one and it happens to mods as well they do not always act unbias. After working an 8 or 10 hr day and having to give my paycheck to my ex wife for the kids, sometimes atwar is all ive got to relax, i do some times enjoy trolling, and in my view ive PAID to play this game twice now, ill dame well play it the way i get the most enjoyment out of it ok? also unlike you online games are not my life , i have no need to lie to anyone sorry. good dont respond to me anymore and keep my NAME out of your filthy mouth and forum posts, cheers
Your BOOOs mean nothing to me, I've seen what makes you cheer ..
16.11.2017 - 05:47
 Eagle (Mod)
Thanks for your inputs, time for us to demote ourselves.

Seriously though, as it had been said just get over it, we aren't perfect, but we try to do what is best for this game and its community, using our basic senses of logic and judgment. Complaining about us won't do any good, if you have a problem with someone in particular then try PM-ing him yourself, if you want to solve the issue, if not then just contact Ivan or Amok and wait for them to handle the issue.


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