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16.05.2018 - 17:04
This may sound silly at first, but bare with me...

Throughout history there have been many uprising, rebellions, and revolutions like the American Revolution against the British, or the Communist Revolution taken place in Vietnam and. Some were successful and some failed. I would love to incorporate the idea of occasional uprisings into the game, and here is how it will work.

- This feature will be a enable/disable feature.
- My thoughts on making this a Premium feature or not is undecided as of right now.

- What a rebellion does is make the people (Militia) attack your troops in that city. It would be a random number. Ranging from 5-13 Militia

- When you take over a country (at the very least 8 turns later), there is a chance a rebellion will occur within one of the cities of that country you conquered

- Every country you claim starts out with a 5/100 chance for each city to revolt every turn. (Multiple cities cannot start a revolt, but if there has already been a successful revolution, then multiple cities in that country could revolt.

- If the uprising is successful, your troops that were there will be obviously defeated, and you will no longer have control of that city. The main effect of this is that it increases the likelihood of an uprising in another city in that same country from 5/100 to 25/100

- If the uprising fails to take down the troops, then that specific city cannot revolt for the rest of the game, the population of that city decreases (which basically means income too), and the chances of another uprising in that country will decrease from 5/200 to 5/100 (or 2.5/100)

- If the revolution was successful in that entire country (including every city), then for every other country conquered by that player, the chances for an uprising increase from 5/100 to 6/100.

*I didn't want to make the values very high since your obviously fighting other players.

NOTE: The values aren't my main concern, but the idea and concept behind it is the most important factor. If you only critique the #'s, then try to look past the numbers and at the concept. :3

*I got this idea from when the French were inspired by the Americans for fighting back the British, and thus influenced the French Revolution.

The Rules Revolving around Rebellions:

1. Rebellions can only occur for ALL players after turn 5.

2. If you recently joined mid-game, the countries you claim cannot rebel for 5 turns.

3. Your starting country(ries) cannot rebel at all.

4. If someone is eliminated from the game, and their pre starting country(ries) are taken over by another player, then they CAN rebel.

5. Neutral territory cannot rebel against their neutral country.

6. Other players CAN fight another players rebellion.

7. Every turn, only 1 city per country can rebel

8. Multiple rebellions can happen in different countries in one turn, but there cannot be 2 multiple rebellions in one country. (Unless one of the rebellions were successful, and is influencing the other cities in that state to revolt as well.

9. Rebelling troops cannot invade other countries or cities.

10. If an uprising takes place in the capital of the country, and if they win, the country then is neutral, but NOT the cities.

11. If a city rebels and fails to take over, that city cannot rebel again for the rest of the game.

I reason I thought of this idea was because it will combat the issue of countries easily building up if the threat of invasion is null, and it won't make the player specifically focus on other players the entire time, or empty out their cities entirely.

If you wanna modify anything or wanna suggest anything please tell me.

Thank you for reading and i hope you have a great day!

- Dobbi
16.05.2018 - 17:50
Skrivet av Guest, 16.05.2018 at 17:43

Nah, sounds too much like making atWar into RP. Also, this would completely ruin the balance of most games, especially if they are 3v3s/duels or most scenarios.

I can definitely see the game being unbalanced by this, but this is to mainly to stop people from completely emptying their cities with no worries, and from players going AFK because they can build up without anyone having to invade.

I have played games with about 8 of my personal friends, and sometimes the country that is the most secure from invasions will AFK while the auto production of troops is being done. There are some mechanics to try and prevent this, but this will be the greatest determining factor.

EDIT: I would also like to mention that this could be a enable/disable feature, usually automatically off for players who don't agree with it.

Thank you for your feedback!
17.05.2018 - 10:30
Yeah good idea, but the problem is there is no one to implement this type of big project into the game itself. there is only 1 active dev. i will give you a word of advice so u dont waste time writing all this sruff down.

if u are foing to suggest something, it is more realistic to suggest something that is tangible like less lag in server, custom color and etc. something like this requires months of work maybe even years and that is not possible atm.
04.06.2018 - 22:57
"Sounds too much like RP" they say yet they are happy that buildings are coming. Buildings are RP elements too you fucks!
*War in Europe again isn't good for anyone... that's why the EU Needs to Evoke and Become the EEC once more, as an International, Nationalist Union Long Live The Realms! Long Live the Europeans!*
07.06.2018 - 05:10
I love this idea, and though I agree it is too complicated to implement at the moment, in the future if we can make this game catch fire I am sure it will be incorporated, this idea.
09.06.2018 - 22:22
Its easier to just add another player in a situation that fulfills the role of the rebel. All this fancy stuff requires a huge amount of coding manpower etc lol
19.07.2018 - 17:22
Yeah everybody told too many codes, codes, codes but atwar needs improve. It needs it. There s a good idea and u can just say, Oh it needs to much times for coding. Then this game will die as an amateur browser game, isnt' it?
Jewing is my jew.

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Eat kebab

Drink ayran
19.07.2018 - 18:13
Too complicated ideas must have solid simple ground and then you say ideas

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