Have read & understand 7/8 an intermediate rank but 9 in beginners ( 2-9 )!
how does that benefit any player?
especially as most at higher rank are also "premium" = better upgrades,
can = notable advantages.
can a block be put in place to cache rankings (in open games) for instance = 0-4,2-5,3-6.
until maybe rank 5-8,7-11,8+(prv games up to whomever prv's them)
No point, I already made a post in the past about how high ranks can get their way into beginner games and an admin responded. here
Ivan's point contradicted what I believed as a mod, I was under the impression that anyone r7+ couldn't play there in general. I will revisit this topic in mod forum for clarification and come back here with answers.
Garde Inlägg: 2842 Från: Canada
Beginners room should be solid 0 - 5, no questions. If I'm not mistaken, most Rank 11+ just play amongst themselves anyways, so the Main room being 6 - 11 de facto shouldn't be a problem.
Late at night, theres almost no games. However, there is a few beginners games being advertised. However, I can't join because the rank limit. I think im rank 10 and it's a bummer to not be able to play late at night.....
I guess the alternative is playing on another account, however thats deceptive to the beginners who look at rank before attacking XD.
PS. im rusty af and wasnt that good to begin with
Open games ought to be (bracketed) realistically (2-9 !) really.
playing against many guests with more skill than rank's often good test,
(never know what's ahead 'til you start playing the game).
skill testing against higher rank best in duels/2v2/3v3 maybe.
i've been kicked from higher rank games also played in them lost & won.
mostly choice but sometimes more like being farmed (you don't know 'til it's happening)
24hr world someone of similar ranks always available ?