25.01.2011 - 10:11
Yes, let me just explain why i had this idea. As i read the Topic "Ideas For The Future",i thought those ideas are good themselves, but its consequences would compleatly change the game as we know. Not 'cause the game will become a little bit more complex, but it will lose its focus, that is conquer and vanquish. With those missions, the player would think like this: "well, now i have to reach that point before the other dude, get the special troops, invade that city very far way from here and them, with all my new upgrades, attack the enemy capital" But those ideas sound so innovating that i didn't want to throw them away. So i thought about creating two Game Modes: Classic and Mission(or other cool name). The Classic would be that very same game that we are playing, just with smalls changes to improve fun, such as new units, map changes and clans. The Mission would be the game that you must complete tasks to get upgrades and new units. I also have a plot: the player would represent a mercenary commander that hire units to fulfill tasks in co-op, lone or versus missions. The units hired could be exs green berets, SWAT, IRA, spetsnaz... (but not ninjas please. Samurais, ninjas and knights are cool,but notin a modern war game). That's all folks. I just don't want to see the game as we are palying compleatly change.
25.01.2011 - 10:23
First of, all, Don't panic! ![]() Missions, if we ever implement them, are pretty far off at the moment. In any case, they would be entirely optional and not really game-changing.
25.01.2011 - 11:27
I guess a kind of Risk-Mode would be great, it would fit the missionidea, every player gets a card in the first turn to capture a special country or even whole continent within a set amount of turns, if he does, he is one winner, game doesnt end but he'll become a superior amount of SG if he holds that country at the end of a game.
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