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23.12.2010 - 03:52
It seems to me that stealth units are quite overpowered. I can essentially position as many as I want around my enemy's capital and he won't know until he moves his troops somewhere else and I roll in unopposed. I have two suggestions to fix this.

1. Stealth detectors
Certain units could function as stealth detectors within a certain range. It should be pretty close so that they don't completely defeat the purpose of having stealth, but so that you could potentially set up a strategic web of detectors to warn of an attack. No need for entirely new units, but add it to existing units, maybe militia (since they're local people who would notice any suspicious activity ) and battleships (because well, they're the only kind of ships that aren't transports).

2. Limit on total number of stealth units
If the above is implemented this might not be necessary, but I'll mention it anyway. Putting a cap on the number of total stealth units would mean you would have to use them strategically instead of just making one massive invisible army you could only have one or two squads of marines running around behind enemy lines. The cap could be something like 7+1 per city, that way bigger empires could have proportionally more stealths.
23.12.2010 - 08:15
Stealth detectors exist - they're called defense lines
23.12.2010 - 11:04
 Ivan (Admin)
Stealth detection is coming in the future. Each unit will have their detection radius, so some units will be better than others at detecting stealth.
26.12.2010 - 23:46
To start off, i agree 110% with Calber's point: stealth units are too pwerful right now and the ability to load 150 marines right outside your enemy's capital undetected is just not realistic.

as an alternative to the suggestions previously mentioned in this thread, i suggest adding a new unit called something like "Land Mine". you could place these on the map whereever, and if a stealth unit crosses their path, they would take some small collateral damage and more importantly become visible (either for X turns or until they reach a home city).
27.12.2010 - 03:13
More and more players in games are using this tactics. Sending 100's of marine and before I know it my cap is captured and nothing I can really do because my main units are on the other side of the map.

putting me off playing. well.. playing big games.
27.12.2010 - 03:25
 Ivan (Admin)
Perhaps in trying to make the (previously) under-utilized Marines more attractive we went a bit too far... I guess some nerfing is in order. Stealth detection should take care of all other concerns.
27.12.2010 - 08:04
Marines are quite strong, especially with master of stealth, they become as strong as tanks while the cost is the same plus they have stealth.

Units having stealth detection sounds nice
27.12.2010 - 19:03
Agreed other advantages mariens get are more upgrades including aadvavce range and after roll bonus
28.12.2010 - 19:58
Skrivet av Ivan, 27.12.2010 at 03:25

Perhaps in trying to make the (previously) under-utilized Marines more attractive we went a bit too far... I guess some nerfing is in order. Stealth detection should take care of all other concerns.

Woot 4 stealth detection.... just a thought: Naval Commander destroyers that can detect subs?
08.02.2011 - 06:17
How about making it so that the more stealth units are in a stack, the bigger the detection radius gets?

Dunno if this is already implemented, since the latest post to this thread seems to be from before january, but I happened to stumble upon this and well..:noidea:
08.02.2011 - 18:29
Stealth units have already received nuking and boosting and renuking and reboosting and we r presently seeing how what we currently have works out. In theory i have no problem with your idea but it is impractical. First off the stealth detection, as far as i know isn't determined by the number in the stack or number of the stack you're trying to locate. It is comparable to the visual range and is solely based of the unit type. Furthermore your idea can be simply be countered with many smaller stacks instead of one large stack.
09.02.2011 - 09:54
Skrivet av specter, 08.02.2011 at 18:29

Stealth units have already received nuking and boosting and renuking and reboosting and we r presently seeing how what we currently have works out. In theory i have no problem with your idea but it is impractical. First off the stealth detection, as far as i know isn't determined by the number in the stack or number of the stack you're trying to locate. It is comparable to the visual range and is solely based of the unit type. Furthermore your idea can be simply be countered with many smaller stacks instead of one large stack.

Let's say you make many small stacks of equal size, all of them would have the same stealth detection radius, and since you can't put the stacks on top of each other for obvious reasons, you'll still end up making the spotting radius bigger, even if you put all your small stacks right next to each other.

Also, >"First off the stealth detection, as far as i know isn't determined by the number in the stack or number of the stack you're trying to locate"

Of course not, I'm suggesting it to be changed so that this would be the case. What are you saying?

I don't know however if the game engine would go against such a feature.
10.02.2011 - 23:56
I'm just saying amok would have to change a lot of the programing code, which would take a lot of time. Also it would only increase it by a small amount; this could be more effectively done by changing the spy planes to have larger detection areas and have the units they detect remain visible and without informing the other player that his units have been detected.
11.02.2011 - 00:21
Im pretty sure they have been weakened enough.. players need to think about how to counter them and just do it... its not hard..

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