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31.03.2013 - 07:38
I can't seem to be able to intercept shit. I got 3 transports with 45 units incoming and 5 submarines standing by to destroy them, but it just doesn't happen.
The new turn block system, I know. But aren't they supposed to at least catch up with the transports at the point they move to? Instead the subs do nothing, or just go to the point the transports start out. I already posted this into the Bug section, but didn't get any attention.
31.03.2013 - 09:39
Ohhh learster... you have my complete solidarity in this issue. My personal experience (not that I have much, lol) says the same: WTF! Chasing air-transports and bombers for five or six turns without any success and, even worse, they almost getting out of range... ohh dear, to lucky a bastard has to be!
31.03.2013 - 11:13
On the open sea??
31.03.2013 - 11:23
Skrivet av VRIL, 31.03.2013 at 11:13

On the open sea??

In my example, yes. Doesn't work on land either though.
31.03.2013 - 12:13
Yes that is a huge problem.

And on top of that your chances of tbing 3 transports and 45 units with 5 submarines is 50% (because transports are treated like the old tb system)

and since it only takes 1 unit to turnblock 1-4 units you can literally tb that stack with 1 sub and have a 50% chance.

If the tb fails it should at least chase the stack, instead of doing nothing.

this is indeed a flaw in the system.
Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
31.03.2013 - 12:40
I have the same problem, i find it litereally impossible to turn block air transports and naval transports, some times my subs lose their stealth without hitting the target.
31.03.2013 - 13:28
And everybody was telling me I had bad luck. I knew they were wrong.
In my case I tried to catch a sneaky air trans with some tanks with 10 bombers...I failed to do it 7 times in a row.
31.03.2013 - 18:45
Don't forget when you actually intercept the stack but you only end up intercepting the transport. For some reason the transported units can still somehow fly over the ocean and land in your city without a transport.
01.04.2013 - 09:49
Skrivet av notserral, 31.03.2013 at 10:33

There's a belief the new TB system is broken.

I believe this too the Admins should be notified ASAP.
03.04.2013 - 19:04
Took some ss to visualise my problem:


03.04.2013 - 22:54
I'm in favor of bringing back TB
Skrivet av Mahdi, 23.11.2013 at 20:30

I don't consider the phrase "massive fag" to be an insult. Mods did.
09.04.2013 - 02:07
Yeah this is annoying as crap. please fix this! it happens quite often.
I hate to advocate drugs alcohol and violence to the kids, but it's always worked for me.
09.04.2013 - 09:05
Ya give us that sexy turn block back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

09.04.2013 - 12:07
Skrivet av learster, 03.04.2013 at 19:04

Took some ss to visualise my problem:



Yeah, you should've been able to intercept the 422 unit stack with just the 80 stealth.
Skrivet av Mahdi, 23.11.2013 at 20:30

I don't consider the phrase "massive fag" to be an insult. Mods did.
09.04.2013 - 21:58
Because it was brought up: I myself am not in favour of the old turn block system and by no means want it back. I would just like the units to actually follow/catch up with their targets, instead of doing nothing.
14.04.2013 - 09:21
When they just don't attack it's half the trouble, it's best when they don't attack and lose stealth.
Also it may have nothing to do with this but something tells me it's connected. Sometimes when new turn starts and I look at the battle list it looks like all my moves where made last. I once had a turn where out of 28 battles the first 19 were attacks on me by other players and the rest were my attacks. There were 4 of them so we can argue about bad luck in who gets to move first but it didn't happen just once. (I will have to take some ss to prove)
14.04.2013 - 11:20
Yesterday I had the same bad luck. My enemy was moving a stack of bombers and infantry in air transports from city to city and I couldn't intercept him for shit. However, my bomber stack was easily intercepted by his tank stack. I always prioritized the move order but I think he didn't.

I wonder if it's flipped, last move has higher priority than the first?
Skrivet av Mahdi, 23.11.2013 at 20:30

I don't consider the phrase "massive fag" to be an insult. Mods did.
14.04.2013 - 13:01
Nikola Tesla
Kontot borttaget
I died because of shit TB system. FIX!
14.04.2013 - 16:27
Yeah I have noticed that 'bad luck'. It seems to favor lower ranks as in if the player is rank 5 or below I can't intercept shit and their moves always goes first. If it is above rank 5 it seems normal as far as who goes first but still can't Tb or intercept. This is getting old.
I hate to advocate drugs alcohol and violence to the kids, but it's always worked for me.

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